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    The reason taxes are what they are is oil companies etc aren't paying their share of royalties. If they don't like it they should F off because there is a lineup of companies to take oil out of here where you don't get shot at etc.

    Much if the infrastructure costs all of us pay are because of these industries yet they don't want to pay for it.

    Don't know for sure but was told Olive oil is an input supplier maybe one dealing with the drug dealer?


      It's a funny world here in Canada, my daughter and her husband are both school teachers, and taught quite a few years, (16) overseas in private schools. Now in Canada. So we're talking about taxes on Thanksgiving get together, and how all civil servants are paid out of tax money. My 11 year old grandson (listening in) says " so why do teachers pay taxes, if they are paid in tax money?"
      "Just because Scwab, just because" credit to Captain Ron.


        In the socialist utopia of Norway corporate tax rate is 27%, I believe they have figured out your business tax rate has to be competitive with the rest of the world. Also interesting to note they have had a carbon tax since 1991 and the latest figures I found showed a reduction of emissions by 2% over that period of time.

        Riders you complained that 60% of Canadians didn't want Harper, over 60% don't want Trudeau either.


          Most farmers love cheap money so what will happen to your wealth if you did not have subsidized interest rates?. Everything is a big bubble right now. Don't prick the balloon. Canada actually has a long history of manipulating its currency than the US does. Did lots of it in the 70's under PET 1 which is why the early 80's were more severe here.


            Riders, lol, oh man you crack me up. Let me get my crayons out, the price of crude and natty has dropped, this is called deflating. Govt royalties, which fund the social programs, and most of eastern Canada, are based off the price of these commodities. SO when the price drops the provinces and the feds receive less money. Hence the revenue stream needs to be increased to fund the above said promises and programs. As taxes increase, this kills confidence in the economy, causing a recession or economic slowdown. Deflation also delivers the promise that the good will be cheaper tomorrow, stifling demand. Go back to school and fire the idiot you pay to think for you.


              BTW... Riders please think...

              If wheat drops in half... from say $8/bu to $4/bu... how much profit do you have left to pay taxes to anyone on???

              Good Grief Charlie Brown... when black oil goes from $100/bbl... to $50/bbl... how much profit is earned... when the average cost of production is $65/bbl? NG is not a lot different. How do you tax a negative profit margin...

              A sales Tax??? you say???


                But had the appropriate taxes/royalty's been charged in the first place, we wouldn't be in such a hole.
                Report out that a number of corps are behind...something like 8 years, in tax payments...not sure what that is all about, but hoping someone is looking into those.
                Think a PST tax would be one of the fairest...everyone pays....at least until we are out of debt...which likely will be never....


                  When is the Alberta budget being released?

                  Instead of previously implementing a budget, Notley was too busy campaigning for the federal NDP while 10's of thousands of Albertans were losing their jobs.


                    Really Oliver...wow...
                    But, I have a hunch it was after the election in case it is not too well received


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