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    In 1980 I was only 16 so my interest in politics was very small. Basically my knowledge on NEP was very limited. After Justin Trudeau's recent election victory I decided to google the NEP, wikipedia's summary should be read by every resident of Alberta and Saskatchewan!!!

    At the same time let us all study Norway's example where they have a trillion dollars saved from their oil and gas which will benefit Norwegians for many generations. Alberta is in trouble and Norway has made prudent decisions and was very conservative in the truest sense of the word.


      well I remember it well. had been working in the patch for a couple years and you couldn't buy a job after that prick implemented that plan! half of the canadian oilpatch and crews were US bound within 6 months , lots never came back . same as not many people know that the oilpatch was a lot bigger in sask than alta until NDP got in , in the 40,s , I think ? govt's can change the course of history , let's hope this one learned from dads mistakes. change is ok if sincere


        Good thing harper allied with the Saudis and they shitcanned the oil industry in canada.

        Well except for gas prices at the pump that haven't moved yet.


          How many dollars has Norway sent to Rastern Canada in the form of transfer payments?


            Also google world oil prices and recessions...the NEP certainly had an effect, however the world oil prices and 28% were likely more of the issue...just like I am sure the NDP will be blamed for this downturn as well. People will forget it started before their time and the former government left a substantial debt after some pretty lucrative years....and I really don't support the ND's....


              God I'm so sick of the Norway comparison.

              Maybe the government should take control over all agriculture take the profits and invest them it's the exact same thing that would work right?

              Oh ok you just want the government to **** other people not you your special.


                Apologies...Think it was more like 21% interest...
                Alberta did receive transfer payments from about 57-65, but I guess really that was so long ago, it shouldn't count....


                  Alaska model much more interesting....


                    It is a mystery how anyone from Alberta can vote for a provincial NDP or federal Liberals.

                    Both are anti-energy, anti-western governments.

                    Notley filled her staff by bringing in left wing loons from out of province.


                      Because Alberta (some) prefer ethics above corruption....and that is also why it will eventually change back....


                        First off comparing Alberta to Norway is difficult as one is a sovereign country and set its own policies. During the period of the NEP the federal government in 2004 adjusted dollars extracted at the highest point over 12000 per capita per year. Also during the period from 1980 to 1985 Alberta was the sole net contributor to the confederation, all other provinces were net beneficiaries. Plus the NEP lowered the price received for oil in Alberta. It is estimated the NEP cost Alberta at least 50 billion with estimates as high as 100 billion.

                        The other interesting aspect was that the federal Liberals predicted deficits in the 11 to 14 billion range based on their predicted increase of oil and gas revenues from the NEP. Instead production didn't materialize and they had close to 30 billion dollar deficits. Riders, you need to realize increasing taxes doesn't always increase revenue because those targeted by the tax may view them as unfair and move their business elsewhere. Premier Notley and our new Prime Minister could learn a lot from history if they are willing, my guess is they are not!!!


                          So who is going to get the blame for the downturn now? Should we blame Harper or the Alberta Conservatives for their crappy energy policy?

                          Norway took their oil profits which belonged to all Norwegians and invested in a way to reduce the inflationary effect of the high oil prices and keep production costs lower. Peter Loughheed was in favour of a more controlled development and didn't like to see the boom take over.

                          The oil does not belong to oil companies, it belongs to Albertans and the other provinces. It is up to Albertans and all Canadians to decide what we do with our resources as it affects all of us.

                          As a consumer we all paid a huge cost for high oil prices. I want some of that back. The best way to get it back is collect higher royalties on behalf of taxpayers.

                          Harper also talked about getting Canada off oil dependence by 2100. So are the tar sands a resource that will have much value if we have better cleaner forms of energy in 2100? We are moving to cleaner energy sources very quickly.

                          Norway took control of their resource. They created alot of jobs and have a very high standard of living with low unemployment. They knew it was a finite resource. They didn't give it away as we do in Canada with low royalties.


                            Ya sure lets adopt the Norway model and tax the shit out of everything to the max so we can save our oil revenues. Give your head a shake.


                              Sven, Olgie , why don't you move to Norway? I hear you can go to school the rest of your life, free


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