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Fed funds

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    Fed funds

    What a ****in farcicle. When are these people going to wake the **** up.


    BNN mentioned the "door is still open" for a rate hike in December.
    Oil up $2
    Gold down


      I suspect everyone knows it cant last forever, but, I think they are feeling trapped, if they blink and raise rates, it all implodes, taking down several countries around the world with them. They know its inevitable but yet, no sense "making" it happen. As previously described , the longer the facade stays in place the worse the consequences will be. I guess its plain old denial because who wants to change the lifestyle we have right here and now?
      I am contracting grains at respectable prices, I just want to be able to deliver and get paid before the turmoil sets in.


        Hobby we are doing the same , as disgusting as hrsw price is - *** it , half is going now
        Green peas has me nervous - not one buyer , not one *** in country in the world buying , yet yellow at $9.75 plus going through winter.
        Not sure if true , maybe Larry can chime in if he still follows here , what if any port price for greens is out there ?, I was recently told greens were still a premium at port ? Is that possible ?


          In venezula farmers hoard grain to insulate themselves from the 20 percent plus inflation. Its the value of our dollar thats worrying, commodities and borrowed money are cheap as borsch. Turmoil in relations with Russia and China sure could kickstart the entire commodities complex.


            The Fed can't raise rates even though they are talking the talk.

            This is pure pressure from Wall Street bankers on the Fed. But the U.S. manufacturing sector has already entered a recession due largely to the too strong U.S. dollar. Just take one look at U.S. durable goods data. It's all in the red. Raising rates would just make this problem worse for exporters.

            The Fed continues to send the wrong message to investors. Media sources are just talking the talk along with Fed rhetoric.

            Personally believe the Fed will be cutting rates in 2016 before they ever raise them.

            Not impressed with Fed communication skills and mis-guidance.


              Just watching the GOP debate now,new they where going to raise the debt ceiling but apparently there is a bill eliminating the debt ceiling.


                Please correct me if I am wrong....but I thought the Feds lowered interest rates some time ago, to get equities going?
                When I heard the announcement, I recall thinking the poor buggers that are retirement age, have to now invest in equities, not keep their money safe in the bank....


                  I believe you correct perfecho, however if you are hardworker that has ambitions of collecting the carrot known as a pension thats regulated into owning govt debt, investing into equities on your own, blind, might seem more appealing then staying the course. I could be wrong, but as cotton mentioned, when that shit goes no bid, I know where I'd rather be. Liquidity is worth something. Anyone watching 2&10yr?


                    That is why I have cattle and land....
                    took everything out of stock market when a public company bought ours....I saw how they operated....


                      Will admit, however, lost a ton of money with BSE, but at least I lost it....not someone else!


                        As much as the Fed and US/Can govts want to kickstart the economy, they cant, confidence cant be imposed, everyone has gone to cash out of fear from 08. So I believe, and as Errol has pointed out, next step is tax the cash with negative rates. Take that as you will, but if a true inflation factor is used, with these rates, the Fed/BOC is effectively robbing anyone who has gone to cash. Throw in the devaluation of the Can$ for and our net worth factored out on par to USD is slowly slipping away. Sure our grain/livestock is worth more then USD, but its all currency. If you want to keep wealth at this point in time, USD is where its at. Its all based on fear of being in any market. My glyphos saturated mind might be completely delusional but the trend says, get USD exposure at any cost because tomorrow, it will be worth more and the CD will be worth less, just like commods of any sort



                          Watched Bloomberg after finishing the flax swathing last night. Was 6am in the EU... and they had a good interview on the US Fed over there.

                          Said any country that has raised interest rates since 2008... has had to drop them the next meeting... some needing to go negative to break the downward spiral of their economy. 18 countries in deflation over in Europe... Japan had a surprising turn 1 percent positive last month... and the magic number they were joking about for China announced yesterday is... 6.53 percent growth for each year till 2020... to keep China's economy on track.

                          How many more interest rate cuts will China need... to keep growth at 6.53 percent... for the next 4 years? Many.

                          So the Bloomberg commentary was clear... Yellen is trying to put a brave face on... to make the markets THINK they are going to raise interest rates... when in fact the US Fed is going to need to reduce rates in the next adjustment. The fed did not even talk about international economic factors in yesterdays news... and said there was only one dissenter to Yellen on the news release saying they could raise rates in December.

                          Really... the more likely effect desired is..the US Fed... are trying to bluff people in the US into borrowing currency... to stimulate the US economy... as they are actually not far off turning negative like the 18 countries deflating in Europe.

                          What a tangled Web....


                            Good news is good news and bad news is good news for U.S. equity markets.

                            Bad news suggests the Fed will hike stimulus. Investors buy (much like daddy coming to the dinner table with cheque book in-hand). Stock markets remain virtually totally supported by Fed policy.

                            U.S. 3rd quarter GDP released this morning at 1.5%. The U.S. economy remains in zombie mode.

                            It's definitely a central bankers world.


                              USD safe haven really? They got u by the short n curlies.


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