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Interesting observation ..

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    Interesting observation ..

    A buddy called a few weeks back and said he noticed something interesting. Like many guys around here he sprayed his pea stubble a few weeks after harvest to control weed growth and keep the field clean for next year . He sprayed one field just with round up and the other with round up and heat. What he noticed after a few more rains was the vol peas. Even after a few light frosts the vol peas were green and growing fine - except the field where the round up and heat were sprayed. Those vol peas were turning yellow and frying off. This was after a few good rains . We did the same thing on about half our pea AC as well , sprayed about half with heat, one field with straight round up and the balance with round up and express. So I go and look a little closer - yup same thing . Kinda confirms what I seen last spring when spraying round up and heat before pea germination then having a heavy rain or two . It was just interesting to see .

    Had a 280 acre field of peas that 80 was sprayed with authority plus transorb.It was hailed out a month after seeding.Where the authority was sprayed it never came back worth a dam.


      Seeing the same thing.


        Furrow-Any word on the results from Racks pea trial?!


          nothing yet


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