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    well then don't make horseshit comments "that most tenants are paying taxes" what a crock of shit !!!! there is a lot of rented land around here and NO ONE is paying taxes . if you want the truth go ask your RM administrator how many renters are paying taxes . they know and will tell you , instead of listening to idiot real estate leach pricks . all they do is screw up fair markets cause most of them are greedy beyond belief . did they also tell you about the tenants that couldn't collect rent??? I know that for a fact because a local auction of one of our upstanding farmers who went tits up , and there was a lean on his equip that was at the sale , by the landlord . this was common knowledge but real estate agents probably leave that out . a few years back we were selling some marginal land that was to far away , told real estate expert what we wanted , he laughed and said good luck on that . we sold it to first person that came for 50% more than he wanted to list it for . we were happy , buyer was ecstatic , he looked like a blundering fool . of course we knew his real reason for the low listing was so that his big client friend that farmed near it could get it for SFA. , and probably nice kickback for him . what other reason could there be ? don't get me started on that corrupt bunch of BS


      Not sure about the rest of you but the comment about land rented for taxes to me, means:

      Land is being rented for a dollar amount equivalent to the amount of property taxes assessed.

      Although this was very common in some areas a number of years ago, I don't think too much land is being rented for this low of a dollar amount currently.

      Too much money has been made in farming the last number of years allowing rent to rise.

      Competition of investor groups, farmers who are greedy have also driven rents up


        Lesm, thanks for posting! Was just discussing the other day that we would much rather drop 300K on land right now than difference on a piece of equipment. I think if you are looking for good land in a good area...ie: young farmers to farm it, some old $$ to keep the price up, not too far from elevators, decent labor pool etc. Good luck with your investment plans.


          Lesm you didn't offend anyone! Like I say to family if good dirt comes available why would I let, or need them to buy it! I can and farm it.
          Basically farming isn't a money maker in the short term.


            buying land right now is a very good investment if you got lots of money and just want to something to give to the next generation.


              Guess I am an idiot. Did a renewal awhile back by agreeing to pay the taxes in addition to the old rate.

              Still $45 less than a bunch of land got rented for this spring.


                LEP, on average how much does it convert to on a per acre basis? Agriland taxes in our RM are quite reasonable, there are some alternative tax revenues that take the pressure off farmland to carry the full burden.

                At any rate, it can't cost alot extra.


                  On average about 2.51 per acre. A small concession I thought.


                    An extra $400.00 per quarter shouldn't be too bad. Funny, some don't think twice about pouring the coa(fert) to it, or a "questionable" fungicide app, but a few more hundred dollars for rent for the most important piece of the puzzle is balked at. They're taking it out on the wrong "input". Why, because it is almost the only place they wield and power to reduce the cost of inputs. Sometimes an ex-farming understanding landlord will be the first to cut the tenant some slack. Hard to get a cut from the rest of the suppliers once its bought and used, even if you did get skunked.


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