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    CWBA Ad


    Here is the CWBA ad. It is packed with information.

    Wow, sure happy we got rid of that gang, now how to get farmer's share of Van port prices back to 90%. We all know the grain companies got the DEAL. Plus way more to RR's. I like the chart, can others verify it? Let's call call Ralph....


      The CWB is dead and all fearmongering is done by a sucky few. Happy to see all those useless employees lose their jobs. With the CWB I sat on grain for over a year, Got prices 3 dollars less than our Southern neighbors, Waited a year and a half for a mere pittance of a cheque but only after they annouced to every media station that they are sending out a cheque for the grain I delivered a year and a half earlier. How we all forget...


        Something the CWBA "facts" sheet neglects to mention is that with the record crop volumes combined with record commodity movement in other sectors, the single desk buyer would most assuredly also had the smallest wheat quota ever. Which also means that we would have had to hold upwards of 80% of grain into lower prices anyway. Oh, and the lack of sufficient rail transportation capacity would have continued to have been ignored.


          This was the same ad that we talked about 4 or 5 days ago with the heading cwb alliance pamphlet. Who do they think they can fool with cherry picked numbers like that. I like their Feb. 2014 port price as a pick date for port price.then they compare it to other complete year averages. They are F*#kin idiots if they think we're gullible enough to fall I line. World war is over and thankfully enough part of that freedom is instant access to credible information. Here's to the open market!🍻


            This was the same ad that we talked about 4 or 5 days ago with the heading cwb alliance pamphlet. Who do they think they can fool with cherry picked numbers like that. I like their Feb. 2014 port price as a pick date for port price.then they compare it to other complete year averages. They are F*#kin idiots if they think we're gullible enough to fall I line. World war is over and thankfully enough part of that freedom is instant access to credible information. Here's to the open market!🍻


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