Tom, you are talking hot air again!
El Nino consistently producer warmer and drier winters from the midwest north and to the west coast. It does not bring more moisture to us although it does to Mexico and the SW US.
Your comments on green power having worse environmental impacts that conventional are just crazy talk. You worry about who will remove the windmills and reclaim the roads leading to them - why? it's not like the wind is going to run out or quit blowing. Maybe you are confusing it with the issue of the oil leases in Alberta where reclamation needs to be done on a huge scale and it isn't happening - companies find it more economic to abandon sites. If you are worried about the environment try getting after these guys.
El Nino consistently producer warmer and drier winters from the midwest north and to the west coast. It does not bring more moisture to us although it does to Mexico and the SW US.
Your comments on green power having worse environmental impacts that conventional are just crazy talk. You worry about who will remove the windmills and reclaim the roads leading to them - why? it's not like the wind is going to run out or quit blowing. Maybe you are confusing it with the issue of the oil leases in Alberta where reclamation needs to be done on a huge scale and it isn't happening - companies find it more economic to abandon sites. If you are worried about the environment try getting after these guys.