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Creeks flowing

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    Creeks flowing

    Wow, went for a quad ride yesterday and noticed the creeks flowing again and low spots are filling up with water again. There is also 10cm of wet snow in the forecast Tuesday, starting to wonder what a dry spring feels like.

    Ha! Looking at all the water laying around I thought it was spring!


      The road construction around Regina is stalled and a lot of iron is parked. It will be interesting to see if they start up again. This gumbo presents problems. One-oh, non-performance, cost over runs, I can smell it in the air.


        The only puddles here are in the hard packed yard. There is no water accumulating in the fields or creeks running yet.


          High water flow out of creek warning. No just kidding but the creek started running in July and hasn't stopped and wont probably all winter. Were back in the fricking Mud Zone. Quit teasing us with a one month dry spring mother nature. Just give us a old fashion drought. 3 years should be just fine then you can start raining again.


            Had 2-3 mm shower over Sat. night, water laid in the yard all day Sun. Ya, were forecast for 10-15cm of snow Mon pm to Wed pm., very bad start to winter, as Braveheart had mentioned, a lot like 2010. Could be freeze up here by this weekend.
            Not what I'd been hoping from an el Nino fall, had been hoping for freeze up near the end of Nov. (typically we'd be around the 11th)


              Send it out west. It's dry in southern Alberta..


                1/2 inch Friday night and now wet snow on way. Door to harvest 15 might be closing real fast. F$%$K. Oh well got to within one quarter left.


                  SF3, not too bad, considering the challenges you had. About two hours south of you there, I think we had a longer dry period than you guys. About 7 weeks with out a rain greater than 2-3 tenths. A very welcome break.


                    Well the ground is turning white as we speak...so much for Tuesday.


                      What I find ironic is how one of the best perceived weather forecasting service is kinda out of touch with the reality of how long it takes for conditions to dry to the point harvest can resume.

                      In some past commentary from them, they talk about accumulations not amounting to much and that harvest can resume between precipitation events... really? Do these guys know or understand what kind of weather and time is required to dry soaked swaths or even get onto fields that are being straight cut when the mornings are soaking wet and daytime heat and hours are both in extemely short supply in late October. My goodness...

                      Let's hope we get a week of decent(for this time of year) temperatures and a spell of LOW humidity at the same time! Low humidity is probably wishful thinking with the conditions out there know.


                        One thing I never mentioned much before, is the impossibilty to even move grain due to soaked yards, etc. I have a July wheat contract that they have been willing to take since then, but it has been impossible to haul to them due to mud.

                        Had canola and wheat booked to go this week, same thing. No way to haul it out. So the financial pressure mounts on that front as well.


                          Delivering corn down in Watrous. Mud hole city. Went by 8 quarters of standing/swathed wheat combines sitting in field




                              Ya. Brought it back from Altona.


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