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    Omg CBC

    Ten seconds on capital outflows and then all about prostate cancer and mental health and now coming up soccer heAling the migrant situation in Europe. God help us.

    Another reason CBC should be privatized.

    Oh but Justin the drama teacher just gave them a $150 million raise....wonder why they are biased. 😂

    Oh I'm sure this weeks documentary on how soccer heals the radical Islamists among the migrants will be matched by tomorrow's sermon by Saint Suzuki discussing our global warming sins.


      Well this is what you get when you have a prime minister that was an ass hole that thiught we ll like him because he goes to hockey games or butchers Beatle songs.

      If we elect another reformer as conservative leader we can kiss the next elextion good bye also. It's up to you though. arrogance and stupidity gave away a golden opportunity For the west to be a power figure politically. No one to blame but yourselves. Instead of listenning to what some of us were saying you chose to ridicule us. The things we were saying are the exact reasons people chose anything but reform.


        Go pound sand rider you ****ers got the fiscal end right but you screwed up the social end or else I got it backwards

        God forbid everyone leave eachother alone?

        Can you leave me alone?


          Who is us ****ers and you ****ers?
          Is there really a difference of liberals and conservatives so much as one of them holds the solution to the problem? I think not and why?
          The answer is double first no one has the political balls to to do the absolute cutting of social side creating not only balanced budgets but surplus budgets to the courage of saying in x amount of years the debt will be gone. If any party was honest and said that they wouldn't get a single seat and why? Because it's not only not canadian it's not of this world to do so it would be inhumane they would say.

          Second that much cutting of programs and expenditure would it not lead to such a slowing if the economy that it would outweigh the benefits of less debt and how would the weak truly survive would it not create civil unrest world wide amongst the spoiled? And we d likely then see who really was the welfare recipients of this system is it the guy with no money in the bank or is the guy that owns the bank off the backs of others?


            Good grief people!


              Ok sorry i misinterpreted.


                We are talking possibly the largest capital outflows ever. It's a pretty big deal. Damn cbc


                  Excuse my ignorance, but coming from where... going to where?


                    Riders I am a little confused, during the election I was under the impression that you favoured the Liberals and leaned to the left politically. Now you are talking positively about the conservatives. Was your only complaint with Harper?

                    As for the CBC, their biased coverage of news during the election was disgusting but for some reason all eastern based media outlets were pumping up the Libs it wasn't only the CBC. I would definitely like to see the CBC privatized, very little on it worth watching.


                      Well I was part of it. I bought $US on election day. My strategy is to wait until May and then buy more $US as oil prices often peak then. As an article in the Financial Post yesterday explained that oil is dead as economic driver in Canada and there appears little to replace it. I do not see a future in Canada but there are few places with any potential out there. The US is the strongest economy out there and they have a ton of problems.


                        An organization that has govt revenue funded cashflows? A poorly defined, semi- ideological mandate? Held accountable by practically no one??
                        Does this sound familiar to anyone else??


                          Farmer funded versus government funded would have been the difference? If you didn't want to use the acronym... Sounds like you have it out for acronym named entities, lol.


                            My guess mostly to the states maybe a little europe and asia probably not much emerging market as their currencies are getting donkey punched as well.

                            Wonder how are banks are going to handle this?



                              "All eastern based media outlets were pumping up the Liberals", not sure where you getting this from, do not the two national newspapers not count for something????

                              Here I cut and pasted the links for you!!!

                              "While the newspaper endorsed the party, it did not endorse its leader, Stephen Harper. The Globe headline reads: "The Tories Deserve Another Mandate – Stephen Harper Doesn't."

                              Editorial board endorsement: Conservatives a clear choice ...
                              Chris Wattie/ReutersThe editorial board believes Harper is still right for Canada ... these words about our Prime Minister: “Stephen Harper has governed the country well overall. ... some of which, as National Post columnist Conrad Black has noted, seem more spiteful than sensible. ... Like · Reply · 11 · Oct 13, 2015 6:04pm.


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