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Ag Minister

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    oh great...speedy Lawrence MacAuley, new ag minister. An old backbencher, that has a hard time keeping awake. Heaven help us now.


      MP from PEI (Wayne Easter Light version?). Supposedly a farmer/former farmer. Longest serving MP in PEI history, so likely former farmer.


        Potato farmer at one time


          We shall overcome. Actually, we'll do what surviving farmers have always done, which is adapt.


            Yup, he will fix our problems. lol


              HOPE HE'S GOT SOME GOOD ADVISORS AND NOT JUST RALPH. guess they are going to reward the regions that voted them in.thanks liberals😝👎


                Who do we expect them to pick from here if we don't give them some mps. We did it to ourselves.

                And worse yet elected the same morons in opposition here that sat with fingers up there asses while we had the government in power so what are they gonna accomplish now. Other than saying we really can talk and have some brains honest look I can count to 5. 1, 2,3, 4,7, and 5. Lol.


                  As I peruse the list, I recognize that some choices seem fairly wise considering the pool to choose from. but some of the choices are bizarre.

                  We shall see what happens...


                    Exactly, Canada committed to 4 years, no way out. Wait and see...Oh ya, equal women "because it's 2015", darn good answer!


                      The best part of today's' swearing in ceremony was the Métis dancers with Scottish last names.


                        Its been painful watching 7 years of amateur act in the White House. Now we're going to get to watch amateur hour at Rideau Cottage. Lucky us.


                          And the cabinet "looks like Canada", can't argue with that statement either.


                            It's so good that only the Liberals and the CBC can define Canada. Someone please pass me some bacon.


                              Well, the USA will have eight years of Obama as president, at least they didn't have NINE painful years of PM Harper!!


                                The guy from PEI will be interesting. I don't think many changes will occur - Ag was barely even mentioned in the Lib platform - they could care less about ag in general, that may be a good thing.

                                I wonder how many more millions upon millions the first nations will get now to completely waste right in front of tax payers eyes. Justin has promised to open the public wallet - and the Libs will require zero accountability from them. A chief of a band gets paid on average up to 20 times that of a mayor of similar size community outside the reserve. This was before Justin. At least the conservatives tried to demand some accountability.


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