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    Welcome back. To the sponsorship years.

    Ugh. A bunch of the old guard are in power again. The guys who stood by and defended the liberal party for stealing 40 million plus of OUR money.

    Stephane Dingaling as foreign affairs minister? Crap, we are in some trouble. Should not the guy in this post be able to speak english well?


    Looking forward to a new ag minister. Ritz was great if you were a seed company, grain company or a railway. he even took farmers money in the CWB and gifted it to the Saudis!


      Oh yeah remember when he gutted agri stability, that was awesome.


        I agree kind of scary when Ralph the god of ale looks like the best of the bunch.


          Well an end to the reign of terror. Whatever the result it is refreshing to see some freedom back in government. There was nothing free in the Harper government.


            The disabled guy gets veterine affairs,this like a movie


              Ha ha ha a sihk gets defence


                Waiting to see if women make a difference, a new perspective to be sure.


                  They sure made a difference in Alberta and Ontario, fjlip. Spud farmer from welfare state of PEI as ag minister.


                    Sikh or not, he's an actual vet. Deserves at least some respect cotton


                      Quite disingenuous as a Canadian to almost appear to be wishing that this government fail prior to it having been a day in office.
                      The voting is done people have spoken. How about moving on positively. I'm going to wait until some time and issues have passed before judging good and bad of this government. If it's bad I ll be the first one on here expressing so.

                      But one thing is certain there most definately is a sense that all of us matter. I don't see people saying or feeling that right today this government has all the answers but it's in the air that at least they are more willing and wanting to work with us to face the issues.

                      That in itself makes me feel as though my vote was worth it.


                        Ya your right foreign religious zealots deserve my ut most respect and i bow to them as they impose their will on me and my family. I apologize.


                          Now hopefully these boys pay us our 17 billion in damages for stealing our wheat board and giving it to terrorists.


                            Make me sick that our pm is only pm cause his dad was. No question.


                              "But one thing is certain there most definately is a sense that all of us matter. I don't see people saying or feeling that right today this government has all the answers but it's in the air that at least they are more willing and wanting to work with us to face the issues."

                              ""it's in the air that at least they are more willing and wanting to work with us to face the issues.""

                              Not diss'en you directly riders2010(it applies to many in society today), but this is just simply the media, at work, massaging you,,,once again. They massaged you prior to the election and they massaged you during the campaign. Not once for 11 weeks did they report positively on anything Harper spoke about. Today, now, it's all sunshine and lollipops. He's(Justin) so nice, and pretty, he must be a great guy! lol

                              He said he'd bring in 25,000 Syrians by the end of the year, already they're saying that is impossible do to the amount of time needed to do the security checks. The media didn't care to ask Trudeau how it will be possible to do this.


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