I think you're right farma , that is exactly what happens .and you add to that all the negative reporting on market reports . worse one being WP market report , even if there is a shred of good news in one , they will end with a negative point and why you should sell . even on here you get the rhetoric like the one of "beware the canola surge " that was surely coming . or that crushers were all booked up . what a joke , 30-40 % of canola will not be there and we're still getting that shit rammed down our throats . the negativity in most market reports really pisses me off . did you hear any of them saying there would be a severe shortage of durum last year or peas this year . no they don't dwell on anything good for farmers
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Saudi's Wheat production dries up.
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I'm Dying to know the paper vs physical ratio on the exchanges. Anyone know?
Entertaine the idea for a second that it could all be manipulated very easily.
11 dollar canola triggered in southern Manitoba. Generic I assume.
Really good considering bids are around 10.50.
Two hundred thousand times five thousand bushels=a billion or did i move the decimal point in my head to far?or is it even worth talking about because nobody cares.
15444, did you put your post here? I had one addressed to cotton and farming. It seems to me your post took the place of mine.
Administrators, is my post available to put here?
In my lost rant...
I asked if farming101 could produce a historical chart of contract volume to show the significance.
-I stated I was slow...
-I stated you have to fill in the gaps and not assume...
-I stated that I am learning and I do know there is a **** of alot more that I don't know than I do know...
Thanks in advance. If this thread is too far down the list and you think it is important enough for others to see start a new one with the chart.
I've always used chartsRus. That's where I got the wtf is going on here and I have very little doubt some of the metal market is being medaled with. But if you take a look you'll see it may be happening across the entire spectrum. Volumes are off the map.
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