You are missing the point. Keystone provided no net benefit to the US, only to Canada. Plus it was opposed by many groups including enviromentalists, farmers and ranchers, and even some in the oil industry as it would compete with new US production.]
If you were the PM of Canada and the US wanted to build a pipeline from the Bakken fields of North Dakota to Churchhill for the purpose of getting ND oil to tidewater in the belief that global warming would make this port usable year round in the future, would you approve this pipeline? Or if they wanted to build the pipeline to Kitamat to export to Asia (Northern Gateway route) would you approve it knowing it would only move US oil across Canadian soil and sensitive environmental areas and is opposed by many Canadian groups?
If you were the PM of Canada and the US wanted to build a pipeline from the Bakken fields of North Dakota to Churchhill for the purpose of getting ND oil to tidewater in the belief that global warming would make this port usable year round in the future, would you approve this pipeline? Or if they wanted to build the pipeline to Kitamat to export to Asia (Northern Gateway route) would you approve it knowing it would only move US oil across Canadian soil and sensitive environmental areas and is opposed by many Canadian groups?