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OOPS migrants not welcome

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    forage, how about set up the safe zone in the area of the world they come from. Re-read the posts about how and why and the fabric of most of the people who immigrated here. No one expects them to plow a patch of prairie and build a sod house but the red ****ing carpet treatment...

    Sad case when a culture/society/country can't even sustain itself because the birthrate of it's inhabitants/citizens is inadequate..... and we have to rely on immigration to "sustain" ourselves!!! To me the economic and social system we live in is a failed experiment, in nature they call it extinction.


      Not sure why you're against my comments stone I agree with much that you say except
      You get defensive if I mention conservatives have anything to do with this.

      I want Christmas back and in fact all our traditions that made us the country we are.
      Were changing to suit these people coming in and so tell me what the hell are they running from if hey want us to be them? Shouldn't they want to come here and change to be us if they hate where they are? Something isn't right with this whole deal.

      It's a bigger picture than the 25,"000
      In fact 25,000 is piss all compared to what have been let in.

      We should be voicing the safe zone idea a lot more than we are. It would be safer cheaper and wouldn't it be better for them to go back occupy that land instead of Iran etc?



        It's very easy for you to shoot from the hip on Agriville when you know 90% have already posted the same thoughts as yours. As for the moron remark, not sure why that had to be thrown in, but I guess the dig about Peter Mackay set you off. Sour g****s from Oct 19th still lingering I suppose!!!!

        As for your post regarding "Muslims hating Jews", I saw an interesting story on Global National News tonight about individual Canadians sponsoring Syrian refugees. A gentleman from Vancouver named Ron Rossel who comes from a family of Holocaust survivors is taking in two Syrian refugees couples into his own home.

        Ron Rossell isn't worried about "Muslims hating Jews". I admire his compassion towards other human beings.


          Well if there is all this love amongst those people how come the fighting never stops over there?
          If these truly are the innocent ones let's enable them to have their own country back. I ask why not?

          Are we not going in circles. Saddam was killed off and Taliban in Afghanistan killed off khadafjnkilles off and what happenned ? A vaccum was formed and worse than what was there replaces them.
          When Isis eventually gets killed off and I believe it likely will be Russia doing it because no kne over here has the thought process to acknowledge what is going on. But anyway will there not be a vacuum after Isis if all the innocents leave? Iran or someone as bad will fill that area.

          And that's why if these people are truly innocent and decent they are the ones that should be given that country back.


            And Sweden is taking in 10,000 a week....


              There have been so many countries suffering oppression. I wonder why the outcry over Syria. Just asking.


                Tony Blair admitted the the war in Iraq helped set the stage for ISIS to fill the void created. Harper wanted us to join the US and Britain in Iraq. Chretian made the right decision to stay out. Western nations have some responsibility for what has happened in Iraq and Syria.

                How many of you actually know any Muslims? Are Muslims all extremists or fanatics? No.

                Is the mayor of Calgary an extremists? No.

                Were all Irish Catholics members of the IRA? No.

                Was the Oklahoma City bomber a Christian. Yes. Are all Christians extremists?

                Air India was the biggest Canadian terrorist attack in our history. Are all Sihks terrorists?

                You can't make generalizations.

                Typical of Agriville most of you are privileged Canadians of European decent with all the advantages.

                But many of the posts are all about intolerance and bigotry.


                  Forage i never said jews hate muslims, now if a muslim took in a jewish refugee i would be impressed, unfortunatetly the muslim taking the jewish person in would be killed by other muslims in short order. But by your view, one jew taking in a muslim is all-encompasing is it? This has been done and now there is no more hatred towards the jewish people. Put your head back in the sand man.


                    I won the birth lottery. I cannot make that up to the rest of the world. Nor will I apologize.
                    Lucky for chuk the people he despises are an impending minority.



                      At least Ron Rossell wants to make a difference in the world and to help someone in need. I guess his head is in the sand too! It's to bad we all don't have it figured out like you Stonepicker.

                      Have a Happy day!


                        Time will tell who has what figured out. I guess the last big exodus was the Viet Namese in the eighties. I helped to round up food for new families. They were families, and Catholic Churches fostered many of them. They turned out quite ok. Maybe these immigrants will assimilate as well.


                          Would Jesus have helped the Syrian refugees?


                            Who s helping the homeless and the people who can't make ends meet right here in this country?

                            And what do some of those people want to do with Jesus? Chuck?

                            There is a point when you have to determine your self preserverance.

                            Tell me what is wrong with creating a safe zone over rhere?


                              This very simple to understand.

                              Radical Islamic Terrorism = Bad
                              Following Canadian laws and assimilating = Good

                              If 31% of migrants polled entering Europe approve of ISIS that is BAD and asking for trouble.

                              (The man behind Oklahoma City, Timothy Mcveigh was an aetheist by the way.)


                                Tim Mcveigh was raised catholic. In the end he said he was agnostic. All this according to Wikipedia.


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