Desiderata line, "if you compare yourself to others, you will either become vain or bitter", is especially true for farming. We can seldom really know other people's business. What is sustainable for one farming operation may not be for another. There are a lot of well run farms these days that don't stack enterprises, diversify little but just crank out dollars. There are no doubt some that appear to have the world by the tail but are sinking in debt. The different styles, management, etc, make this business interesting.
I'm 59 years old and certainly have plans to advance farm succession faster than the farmer at the top of the post. IMO he's holding his sons back too long. But that's just my opinion. I don't know him or his sons. I hope their communication and planning has mutual agreement though.
I'm 59 years old and certainly have plans to advance farm succession faster than the farmer at the top of the post. IMO he's holding his sons back too long. But that's just my opinion. I don't know him or his sons. I hope their communication and planning has mutual agreement though.