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What if cdn election happened after the attacks?

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    One high risk immigrant is too many.

    So, 10,000 into a population of what, 319 million U.S.? Versus 25, 000 into 35 million Canadian.

    One high risk immigrant is too many.


      I think they should all be settled in the ottawa area that way these bleeding heart liberals can have them over for supper. I think this another not in my backyard kind of deals. In fact I bet you not many will be in the Ottawa area. If they are so sure they wont be of any harm they should welcome them with open arms.


        if you got all the answers why don't you try to get elected on your anti immigrant, anti refugee, anti minority, anti- every other religion except Christianity views? Good luck!


          And there we have the sum of the "progressive" thought - disagree with us and you must be a bigot


            Chucky, not sure what your trying to spin here, but I think most all posters here, have a anti-terrorist view!


              chuckChuck, if you think there is any comparison between IRA and ISIS, you got another think comin', just saying...


                ISIS Chucky has his head in the sand.

                Two of the Paris attackers were refugees......there is not much more to say if he thinks the Irish refugees are as dangerous as Syria.


                  #1. I don't have all the answers
                  #2. I do have an opinion and a right to it, as you have to yours. We don't have to agree. And I have no intentions of swaying your opinion.
                  #3. I know I would never make a politician. Maybe too true to self to change with which ever direction the wind blows.
                  Last edited by farmaholic; Nov 15, 2015, 13:48.


                    Poeple who have balls and tell the truth of what this country needs done would not get elected . In our area we have had some very good business minded poeple run for office and they lost . It was a popularity contest .


                      I might be pretty chicken to fly around in Europe or Asia and for sure Russia and Middle East. The airports are not screening their staff well enough. Racial profiling is frowned upon. It's a sad state of affairs.


                        It is illogical to believe that Syrian refugees are all terrorists. Donald Trump thinks Mexicans are all rapist and murderers. Even the Harper Ford Conservatives were going to bring in Syrian refugees. The reference to the IRA is an illustration that extremists can be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh etc. History is full of examples of extremists of all persuasions who are willing to use violence against innocent civilians. There are already a lot of refugees and their descendants in Canada. If immigrants and refugees are such a risk why did Harper continue to bring in so many in the last 9 years?


                          Yes Harper is as much to blame for what's coming as anyone.

                          But aside from what is done, chuck are you aware that Isis has declared war against all of us?


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