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Solar Storms... only a matter of time....

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    Solar Storms... only a matter of time....

    By Michael Kuhne, AccuWeather.com Staff Writer
    November 16, 2015; 5:10 AM ET

    In the late summer of 1859, an extreme geomagnetic storm bombarded the planet, igniting the ghostly, emerald lights of the aurora across skies as far south as Cuba.
    These powerful solar eruptions of magnetized plasma hitting the Earth caused telegraph wires to spark, disabled communications and set fire to several telegraph offices, according to NASA.
    In the modern world, the threat of space weather is far greater as storms like the Carrington Event of 1859 pose a risk to interconnected power grids, airline operations, satellites and communications networks across the globe.
    "In some worst case scenarios, the damage could be extensive and take weeks to months to fully recover from," Berger said.
    The primary agencies involved in the response, mitigation and forecasting elements of the new plan include the Department of Homeland Security (FEMA) and the Department of Commerce housing NOAA and the National Weather Service.
    In the case of long-term power outages, FEMA would respond to affected areas like they would for any other power outage, but the impact could still be devastating, he said.
    "One of the most pessimistic views and estimates was produced by the National Academy of Sciences in 2008," Berger said. "It has numbers in the $1- to 2-trillion range with full recovery taking 4-10 years."

    The cost would be nearly 20 times that of the damages inflicted by Hurricane Katrina.
    When a geomagnetic storm interacts with the Earth's magnetic field, it drastically changes the planet's magnetosphere, and in turn generates powerful electric currents in the ionosphere that are thousands and thousands of amps, Berger said.These geomagnetic-induced currents are mirrored in the ground, where critical electrical infrastructure is grounded. The magnitude of these storms are rated on a scale similar to tornadoes and hurricanes at G-1 through G-5, with the latter being the highest magnitude.
    "One of the difficulties we face is that we have only about 150 years of records of solar storms and only a few decades of modern space-based measurements of solar storms," he said.
    "We really can't say that we know for sure the maximum magnitude the sun is capable of producing in terms of extreme eruptions. But if we take the Carrington event as the prototypical event, then it could potentially damage the Extra-High-Voltage (EHV) power distribution system in the U.S."
    Part of the U.S. mitigation efforts being coordinated under the new national strategy is to install equipment that would block the damaging DC currents from getting into the system, he added.
    "The best-case scenario, that we are trying to work towards, is that there is no damage to the grid," he said.
    With winter on the way, power outages, especially in situations of extreme heat and cold, can also lead to greater problems. Preparedness can provide safety and security in the time before agencies like FEMA mobilize their relief efforts in an emergency situation.


    heila Morlas
    Instead of the global warming/climate change aka " seasonal changes" conference in Paris this month. Perhaps they should discuss this issue... ya think???
    Like · Reply · 1 · Nov 14, 2015 9:59pm

    Gayle Moussa · Adjunct Faculty at Graceland University
    Thank you, Cindy, for the information to get to the website. If you would really like to understand the potential threat, and be prepared for life without electricity, read "Darkest Days".
    Like · Reply · 1 · Nov 13, 2015 6:03am


      If the northeastern populated area of the us and canada goes without power for a month do you really think it will ever be turned back on?


        Also known as EMP - Electro-Magnetic Pulse.

        Also achievable by the detonation of a nuclear device at a proper distance above the earth's atmosphere over a target area.

        I posted here about this a while back in a thread about electronics in our equipment.

        A book by the title "One Second After" offers a look at the social/economic/continent-wide devastation that would result.

        It would make the Great Plague look like an afternoon walk in the park.

        Yeah - global warming, what a threat...


          FEMA was overwhelmed during Katrina and couldn't get water to a stadium full of people.


            Guys with wheat burning fireplaces would survive in the winter, but 40 below might be tough on the old bones.


              Who has generators capable of supplying the needs of their whole house? Out buildings and livestock facilities?

              PTO or gas/diesel engine?


                Who has generators capable of supplying the needs of their whole house? Out buildings and livestock facilities?

                PTO or gas/diesel engine?


                  Diesel. Got to get a transfer switch to run the whole farm. Sounds like I better get on that.
                  Folks have said that if your place is the only one with the lights during a crisis on you can expect lots of visitors.

                  That could be fun or not.


                    One guy who went through the Serb/Bosnia crisis which would be similar said the farms where one of the worst places to be. Gangs would roll up take you out and spend a few days having fun with your wife and kids. Trust me you dont even want to entertain the idea of a meltdown.

                    I still have nightmares about the movie "the road" which about what things would look like. Even the main actor viggor mortison-popular actor you would regonize-had to take a year or two off he was so ****ed up after shooting it. Might be on YouTube scary as hell.


                      Well then, you better have as much ammunition as diesel on hand because if there is a meltdown we will really see how "socialized" what we call "civilization" really is under lawlessness...


                        Add drugs to the mix.

                        <a title="WW2" href="http://www.spiegel.de/international/the-nazi-death-machine-hitler-s-drugged-soldiers-a-354606.html">WW2</a>


                          LOL Power went out here.


                            here you go



                              Can you buy a generator that does not require any electronics to run? I don't think so.

                              That's the trouble - our whole system is so dependent on electronics that we can't even see to the back of the line of what all is going to fail when EMP hits.

                              Not just your cell phone's gonna quit buddy.

                              Your electricity is gone, of course, but your car won't start, tractors, generators, - anything with a chip or printed circuitry is vulnerable to the effect of a powerful magnetic burst.

                              There are ways to protect or "harden" a system or equipment but I haven't put much time into figuring it out. Everything still runs, so why worry? LOLL!

                              Does the solution lie in developing a method of protecting essential equipment against a strong electromagnetic field - like an earthen structure, perhaps? IDK

                              Ask the US gov't - they've been putting some effort into it...what does that tell us?


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