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Solar Storms... only a matter of time....

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    Thanks cotton for posting that link. Might even watch it this weekend if the forecast stays cold and windy.


      What the heck, I only posted that comment once??


        burnt, would a generator be damaged if it wasn't being used at the time of the EMP blast or during a solar storm?


          I don't know anything about it. However, my son, who is an electrician, says that it would affect anything electronic.

          EMP is a magnetic blast that exceeds anything we could imagine.

          Hopefully it is just a bit of fear-mongering.


            BB: It depends on the severity of the pulse. A strong pulse will fry chips and circuits regardless if they are powered at the time of the pulse. You could build a faraday cage around a generator to protect it but even if the generator did operate, what would you be able to run with it. Likely everything connected to the grid would fry under major pulse. The question you really need to ask is how long could you survive without anything powered by electricity or has any components that relies on electricity or electronics. There is not a lot!


              Here ya go - your guide to becoming a prepper! Note - buy tinfoil. LOLLLZ!



                Any body ever here of the torpedo nukes?

                Basically underwater cruise missiles that when detonated created a 500 meter high tsunami,if they use the cobalt style,which nobody has ever tested because of the sheer amount of radiation everything is dead many,many,many miles inland.


                  Well now, cott, aren't you just a ray of sunshine!


                    A generator is never a bad tool to have around. Neither is a rifle.
                    Prepping for an apocalypse could be wise or a waste. Just dont spend your days in fear.


                      Being a prepper, I don't live in fear (cause I'm prepared). But prepping isn't just for the apocalypse, the zombie apocalypse, or WW3. For instance, Yellowstone is a super volcano which could blow, and the grid could and in fact has gone down for days just from ice storms.

                      My bug out fast bag is always ready. Generators are tested frequently and firewood is always in store.


                        Its the collapsing magnetoshere that concerns me. 20 years tops and shields are down captain.


                          Collapsing magnetosphere?


                            I think the North would be the worst off because it's so bloody cold - no one will come here to cozy up to us. US has right to bear arms, we have the right to bear wood. LOL

                            Horses will be in high demand, but we slaughtered them all. It wouldn't take long for the grocery shelves to be empty. But we have tons of lentils and lots of green peas that won't move.

                            How did we get onto this topic?


                              SDG, some Accuweather dude said the sky was falling.


                                Burnt, I think your right. A big enough EMP to knock out the electrical grid would likely fry a backup generator along with anything you might want to plug into it.
                                The Carrington Event is a very interesting historical event. Quite frightening were it to happen today.


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