I think you hit the nail on the head Fj. Sign basis contracts, futures first contracts and they know whats coming up the driveway. Everytime YOU commit to an open-ended contact all you've done is ensure a supply. Sign a target price agreement and all you've done is commit your grain if they decide they want it. We do it to ourselves. I've even heard someone on here say they don't like DDCs- at least all is known and both are committed at the time of signing, not that one sided garbage on offer otherwise. I know a guy who signed a minus five dollar wheat basis contract last summer. Look where the basis is now(plus $45ish)...he's $50 out
of the money....ouch. But I guess no one held a gun to his head....who do you take your marketing advice from? The guy trying to buy your grain for the least possible money. ...**** me!
of the money....ouch. But I guess no one held a gun to his head....who do you take your marketing advice from? The guy trying to buy your grain for the least possible money. ...**** me!