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Prosper-Elgin-Faller Spring Wheat

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    Prosper-Elgin-Faller Spring Wheat

    Can anyone who grew any of these varieties share their experience. Fertility, yield, quality, marketability? I am looking at these for my farm next year have done some reading, but would like to have "real world" experience and comments. Thanks.

    In this area Faller is called Faller because it falls over.


      Thanks Brave...it's off my list. Need a wheat that is semi dwarf and stands as I did enough picking lodged crop off the ground this fall to last a lifetime.


        Crestliner, we had an awful time with lodged wheat this year. We are switching to AAC Penhold (CPS) as we don't see any of the CWRS varieties standing for us. Penhold seemed to stand in the RR Valley where everything else went down. Penhold also had high protein and very good yield.

        We can't count on Manipulator plus don't really want another cost in our wheat budget so hope the Penhold might be the ticket.


          Good advice....my thoughts as well on the Manipulator. That stuff gets into our grain system and I'm afraid we could end up with a huge mess in the marketplace that will cost everyone. What's your marketing plan for the CPS?


            Braveheart- How would Penhold yield vs a HRS variety like Cardale?

            Also average price per bushel vs HRS?


              Marketing CPS is new to us. I don't know how it relates to any futures markets.

              Richardsons in our town have indicated they have interest in it from customers for next year and are seeking acres. My concern so far is there seems to be a lower price in the eastern prairies vs Alberta at this time.

              Also, Penhold seems to have good protein and the question is does CPS reward protein like CWRS can at times? We're still working some on some of that but the agronomics are such that we're willing to test the waters.


                Oliver88, yields in Manitoba put Penhold ahead of Cardale but lower than Pasteur. These are yields from the valley near Domain, MB. But Pasteur and Cardale were really lodged. The number I've been told was Penhold 86 bus/acre, Cardale 76 bus/acre, and Pasteur was at 100bus/acre..

                I can't help with prices at this time.


                  Thanks for info.

                  I checked the "myviterra" website and it appears in NE Sask HRS is 90 cents above CPSR for December.

                  I have heard some of my neighbours talk about good results with Conquer as well.


                    Oliver88, I believe that the CPS price in Sask is basis Chicago Soft Red. Dec 15 is 4.79 and Minni HRS is 5.14 a spread of $US0.35 per bushel or $CDN 0.46 per bushel. Not sure what Viterra is doing but maybe discouraging sales.
                    Good info Braveheart thanks.I am going down an entirely different path now. I see Pennhold has a good FHB rating as well.


                      We grew Prosper this year and it stood good with around 14 Pro. Yield was quite good. One field ave 80 with good quality. Right now Richardsons are the only buyers and the last price we were quoted was 5.60.


                        Is Prosper on Warburton's list for next year?


                          Wow Seabass...80 @ $5.60 works for me all day long. How is the fuz?


                            Cardale yielded 75 and faller did abot 10 bu better this year. Not uncommon for pastuer to yield 100 per acre. Faller did fall down more than cardale. Pastuer stands quite well. Warning, pastuer can take an extra 10 days to mature, so could be risky in northern areas. Disease package is good on all three, good tolerance to fuarium. Faller is generally priced 20 to 50 cents under hrs here based on proteins of 13 or more.

                            Pastuer is good for the feed market, local feed market seems to like it even though proteins often uner 10%.


                              Ya it turned out good. It was reseeded after our canola froze so that made a big difference compared to our earlier Hrsw. It caught a bit more rain at the right time. Not sure if it will be consistantly that good a yielder but we will see this year. The fuz was low this year because it was so dry. We will probably give it a blast of fungicide if its wet this year. We were also told that there could be a premium on the price this year if Warburtons pick it up. I think it is classified in the CWIW class this year.


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