"But we all know of farmers who are poor employers, and the accident and death rate show there is a problem in our industry."
I call Bull. Alberta has a lower death rate than BC that has mandatory OHS/WCB. Where do you live and farm that you can make those claims! Workers around here are the most important part of modern grainfarms with $Millions in equipment that need skilled people to run them! The last thing we want is an injured member of our family or crew. Your attitude is revolting.
"But we all know of farmers who are poor employers, and the accident and death rate show there is a problem in our industry."
I call Bull. Alberta has a lower death rate than BC that has mandatory OHS/WCB. Where do you live and farm that you can make those claims! Workers around here are the most important part of modern grainfarms with $Millions in equipment that need skilled people to run them! The last thing we want is an injured member of our family or crew. Your attitude is revolting.