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End of The Runway and not enough power to lift off

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    End of The Runway and not enough power to lift off

    Our economy.

    Now what? Resources are in the capper world wide demand in the capper again. Interest rates at 0 or near that.

    How do you make the economy go? We got ourselves into a huge mess with only one way out and that way will leave much blood in the streets.

    Guaranteed minimum income


      My thoughts on our future have never been more pessimistic as they are now. The next few months will set the stage as to what is to come. I fear for our children and grandchildren. The seeds are being planted and there will be no turning back. A generation from now, things will look so different.


        A have a friend who always says , "'the best time to buy is when there is blood on the streets."
        I never really know when that is. Plenty of people I know say they get great deals, buy stuff like snowmobiles, enclosed trailers and pontoon boats for 15 cents on the dollar. I cant seem to stumble over these kinds of opportunities. Possibly in the near future I guess.


          I know where your coming from hobby, Im the same way, never stumble across all these HOT deals. Kinda like when grain prices where suppose to be so huge in the states a few years back. Never did get those price quotes when i phoned, nor could get anyone here to show me an actual ticket of those high prices. Guess i am just a poor wheeler and dealer.


            Alot of doomsday prophecies. Answer me this, what have you or are you doing different?

            I know some guys who work in the pipeline business, bleak prospects right now and these guys have spending addictions.

            Until restaurants slow down and annual(semi or multiple) hot holidays cease I think it indicates lots of money around. What's your indicator of a stalling economy?


              There have been guys on here claiming the sky is falling for the past 5-7 years. Some of the best money to be made in USA stock market as well as some Canadian stocks, in that period.

              I guess if you say it long enough you may be eventually be right.


                One thing rest assure, the implement dealers in a slowdown, may lay some staff off, but just keep raising hourly rates to compensate. That is already happening. You can bet your sweet ass they wont lower rates. Same goes for auto shops.


                  The Ritchie Bros sale on December 4th should tell us if equipment is selling well.

                  Maybe we will see some deals out of Alberta with the oil and drilling slowdown?



                    I will be watching for " clubfoot specials" this winter.


                      Get ready for a bail in. Legislation drafted just last year allows it. Hope u don't mind a haircut on your savings so we can keep the party goin.


                        Savings,? a ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ....slap knee , big breath, my savings? A ha ha ha ha ha , ooooh my sides , . That's a good one. V


                          I'm not talking about the ag economy...

                          What's my indicators? Lumber jockies in the cities have yards so full there's no room to put it, mills so full they are slowing down production to keep from running out of room.

                          Huge trucking companies with 30 to 50% of their fleets idle, and they haul general freight, and it's the holiday season.

                          Friends of my wife who work in the city, have had their wages cut, or went from full to part time.

                          Friend of mine who is a partner in a construction engineering firm... they went from swamped to taking rotating 6 week vacations.

                          On the farming front, way less machinery getting moved...

                          Just look on the major highways. Way less traffic.

                          Internationally? Look at shipping rates over water...

                          Look at exchange rates... new taxation policies... China's growth, and market.

                          forage, there's lots of money to be made, but if you're sitting on cash when the big thing happens you're going to be wiped out.

                          Not my family's first rodeo... but this will definitely be the big one.


                            Things are not really that bad right now. Will make do with spending a little less. The 8 year old car and 10 yr old Dodge diesel will soldier on for another year with a few minor repairs. The economy doesn't have to boom all the time. Biggest problem with people doing that is tax revenue for government falls and government debt in Canuckistan will expand like a mushroom cloud over the next 10 yrs.


                              I am buying shares in rope companies.


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