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End of The Runway and not enough power to lift off

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    Alberta will be fine because there are enough entrepreneurial types that want to work and be successful. It will fail if the majority turn into socialists looking for someone else to take care of them rather than realize you are the master of your own destiny.


      I believe TPTB get what they want. I see our education system as a failure. Graduates can discover much info, a la David Suzuki, much of which is beneficial, but, as to history, government and responsibility for our spending and many of our rights as citizens, no one knows or cares SFA.
      Smart people get into the large corporations or government and make the rules to suit their way of life and are untouchable while Dick and Jane are buying Lotto 649.
      The biggest disappointment in Canada is our news media, pawns of the rulers.
      All I can do is hunker down, keep the powder dry.


        Chuck chuck

        Brad Wall will run deficits on the most diversified province in canada because he's been giving shit away to his masters.


          Crusher you live in a country that is socialist to a degree.
          1.Publicly funded universal health care.
          2.Income transfers to Seniors for OAS and GIS.
          3. Safety nets like EI and Welfare.
          4. Progressive tax systems.
          5. Equalization payments to poorer provinces.
          6. Subsidies to farmers and other industries.
          7. Free primary and secondary education.

          Which of those would you choose to cut in pursuit of a less socialist country?


            Diversifying like a car plant that gets over run by a Mexican or Chinese plant who are now being over run by Vietnamese and soon North Korean.

            It's not rocket science it's simple competition.

            If it wasn't for the debt I'd say simple depression and cleanse and then rebuild.

            Unfortunately it's default and restructure and obviously the powers that be know the unimaginable pain involved so they went full retard and did qe,zirp now nirp(negative interest rate policy) suppressing future volitility only having it show up down the road,this just isn't me talking this this well schooled busness guys

            So then we are here. We know we are ****ed. How does it unfold. Hopefully we don't pull a France and get the gullitenes out and slaughter the land barons which is us and I haven't put that out if the realm of possibilities. Think ninety percent of hungry people wont go bonkers?

            So what does bottom look like?


              I thought they slaughtered the RICH SOB's running the shit show? That was a classic reset as was Bolshevik revolution. The equivalent today is the bankers, billionaires, elite rich. In fact they have caused it all to get RICHER. The fabled 1% or .1% of globe. War makes them richer watching our young die from their gold plated towers. Been that way for all of history.


                chuck chuck, what huge deficit are you talking about? MB. has a bigger deficit ( debt ) than alberta! Your getting me depressed about mb.! On the bright side though, i have no doubt that alberta will catch up to mb.! lol


                  Again, many on here predicting doom and gloom is coming. I'm NOT saying there will not be some difficult times in the future but, when who knows. Do you honestly think the wealthy of the world got to where they are by sitting on the side lines playing the waiting game. Hardly, buying physical assets, land, bricks and mortar, good blue chip stocks over the years will always pay off. Having some cash available if possible is always good idea as well. But most of all keeping a level head and living with in your means is very important.

                  I fine it funny, by reading the posts on here, so many of you have it so good compared to others, who work just as hard or even harder. Just have to read a couple of threads and many posters are going for RR or taking winter holidays. Can't be that bad out there, eh guys!!


                    You just don't get it Crusher.... Wasn't the socialists that won, it was sweeping out corruption , arrogance and mismanagement......and so far so good... Although concerned about the ohs/WBC , which was even initiated by them....to fast, too quick....take time to listen!


                      Some of the shit you say forage is right some of it is dead wrong.

                      I'll give you a trillon dollars in Zimbabwe currency for all you have.

                      Your one of the ones that lives in the illusion. I might not remeber this right it's called cognital delusion,things have always been this way so they stay the same.

                      Klause does not suffer from this,probably upbringing moving around suffering. His mind is open. If my math is right he was 14 when I started gibbering on this site.

                      Personally I think we have under 24 months


                        Giving a timeline is very impractical the economy could have a number of boom and bust cycles left or might not. The wise thing is to take some steps to prep early as it is impossible to prepare if too late. Us being farmers are for most part already way ahead of the curve. Might not want to sell that ole massey discer in the bush, though.


                          I am the furthest thing from religious but maybe its time to "cleanse the temple" get rid of "private" central banking, tell the Feds to **** themselves and create some sort of "people's bank". But I honestly have no idea what I'm talking about.



                            We live in Canada, so why you would throw in Zimbabwe currency shows your the one living under an illusion. You don't know my situation just like I don't know yours.

                            You have worn out Agriville with your predictions year after year , but now it's 24 month, hey you could be right this time.

                            But like they say BS baffles brains


                              Out on a limb here..... is he making the point you can have a pile of worthless money that won't buy anything? Run away inflation against currency devaluation equals ouch.


                                Cotton meant 'normalcy bias'


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