Remember this: "The Keeling curve of CO2 concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere since 1959 is the supposed smoking gun of catastrophic climate change. We presume CO2 was at 280 ppm at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, before human activity could have caused a significant impact. I accept that most of the rise from 280 to 400 ppm is caused by human CO2 emissions with the possibility that some of it is due to outgassing from warming of the oceans. "Dr. Patrick Moore
Topic:So if you can’t beat them, beat yourself.
"But there is certainty beyond any doubt that CO2 is the building block for all life on Earth and that without its presence in the global atmosphere at a sufficient concentration this would be a dead planet. Yet today our children and our publics are taught that CO2 is a toxic pollutant that will destroy life and bring civilization to its knees. Tonight I hope to turn this dangerous human-caused propaganda on its head. Tonight I will demonstrate that human emissions of CO2 have already saved life on our planet from a very untimely end. That in the absence of our emitting some of the carbon back into the atmosphere from whence it came in the first place, most or perhaps all life on Earth would begin to die less than two million years from today. "
BTW... for those who doubt the above C02 record for 'religious' reasons...
The fact that God is capable of working outside the space time continuum... as creation is embedded as an obvious precondition for our actual existence .... [evolution and the big bang are simple minded denials of our actual existence in the spacetime continuum] If you want to get into a multiple dimension Universe... be my guest... the origin of 'reality or realities' still requires a plan and planner/creative force...
Remember this: "The Keeling curve of CO2 concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere since 1959 is the supposed smoking gun of catastrophic climate change. We presume CO2 was at 280 ppm at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, before human activity could have caused a significant impact. I accept that most of the rise from 280 to 400 ppm is caused by human CO2 emissions with the possibility that some of it is due to outgassing from warming of the oceans. "Dr. Patrick Moore
Topic:So if you can’t beat them, beat yourself.
"But there is certainty beyond any doubt that CO2 is the building block for all life on Earth and that without its presence in the global atmosphere at a sufficient concentration this would be a dead planet. Yet today our children and our publics are taught that CO2 is a toxic pollutant that will destroy life and bring civilization to its knees. Tonight I hope to turn this dangerous human-caused propaganda on its head. Tonight I will demonstrate that human emissions of CO2 have already saved life on our planet from a very untimely end. That in the absence of our emitting some of the carbon back into the atmosphere from whence it came in the first place, most or perhaps all life on Earth would begin to die less than two million years from today. "
BTW... for those who doubt the above C02 record for 'religious' reasons...
The fact that God is capable of working outside the space time continuum... as creation is embedded as an obvious precondition for our actual existence .... [evolution and the big bang are simple minded denials of our actual existence in the spacetime continuum] If you want to get into a multiple dimension Universe... be my guest... the origin of 'reality or realities' still requires a plan and planner/creative force...