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The ghost and the darkness

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    Sask, there must have some underlying issue, cause you just don't get it...the Cons were corrupt, arrogant bullies. Money was wasted big time...one of the "wealthiest" provinces going and already in debt before the downturn, corps had the lowest taxes going and some still didn't pay taxes. A rise to 12% was needed and should have been done a long time ago...carbon tax was only a matter of time... royalty review...wanted, needed and timing will never be right.
    Bill 6...yes, they crossed the line and time will tell, but Prentice crossed that line before he even got in the gate.
    But, if corruption makes you money...and your happy with that model, go for it.....


      Sorry CP, for venturing off, but sometimes.....
      So, in CP's scenario or Earl's scenario, would not having physical assets... farmland, housing, cattle, grain, etc., protect you either way. Holding cash, you would be screwed on inflation..holding debt you would be screwed on deflation...?????


        In a nut shell yes.

        I've been grappling with the debt issue for over a decade and still dont have an answer. I cannot say wether its good or bad to be in debt now.

        In Weimar Germany it was repriced into gold.

        The thought of all this debt being repaid in more expensive dollars does not compute with me.

        Logical thought would say ok we will just do this slowly over years and years to which I would say this has already happened.

        You don't build a 250x leveraged paper ratio on gold supply without something going on behind the scenes

        I suspect this is happening in our space but have not had time to prove it. Sort of like tell me the time and day the cwb was selling and il show you nefarious activity or not. Which brings the question why do non exchange traded food stuffs command such a premium?


          perfecho, I'm sure you have heard the adage "people get the government they deserve".

          So, I don't like the implications that this holds does for the people of Ontario where we are enduring the most vile, corrupt government this province has ever seen?

          You seem to spend a lot of time dissing the corruption of the former government - and it is a sad distinction they have earned.

          However, if the adage holds true, does that not also implicate the people of Alberta, as a whole?

          Financially, morally, ethically insolvent - has society crossed a line where there is no return?


            Perfecto I would of danced with another devil than go the way Alberta went! Read history and why Saskatchewan went from second best province to last under the NDP


              Along time ago I would guess fourteen ears I was watching the daily show it's just late night comedy bs it was even before john stewart was there if you know the show.

              Anyway they where doing a stupid sketch on a farmer the guy was sort if the same thing we all do. Also very stero typical old big big beard sort of a Tom J looking acting like guy-I hope you know that's a compliment Tom

              Anyway this is when I was young dumb and only really cared about what my wife was wearing to bed.

              Anyway the sketch was stupid i was half dozzing asleep but at the very end they caught the old guy with the sun setting in the back ground and he's said "when people find out what they did to our country there will be blood in the streets"

              Twenty some months later I woke up. And that old farmer rings in my ears sometimes.


                Cotton, the sky is not falling. We hear you prophesize doom and gloom and total collapse, buy gold, get rid of cash. For years your predictions ring hollow. Economies cycle as do many industries. The benefactors are those who never go all-in, are satisfied somewhat with life in general, and take their best shot -that's it! We all just hope to be on the right side of the curve once in awhile, always realizing that you are never right 100% of the time.


                  I bought my first oil stock at 27 before it became crescent point. I bought gold at 375 when the manger at Edward burns said please dont but buy barrick lol.

                  I said on this site wheat was going to twenty and when it did I said it would crash "to far to soon"where my words.

                  Also said land was great before it was.

                  Lost a bottle of rum to a poster when I said canola will double-missed it by a few points

                  Dont give me a lecture on here about what I have said on here.

                  That stuff was over a decade ago,now guess what is going on in my little brain.

                  And I suppose you know the gains in the s&p compared to gold.....it's off the tip of your lips....kick land in to ....chart it in your head

                  It's not gloom and doom the world has always been this way.

                  Your like the pit bosses catching me counting cards.


                    Burnt, I don't think we have crossed the , line..yet...and I am going to judge each action, not the label. I used to be a Ralph supporter, until he crossed the line.
                    Personally, I try not to go with labels...give a person a chance until they screw me. Corporations, wall street and Federal reserve now control so much, it really doesn't matter.
                    The real unfortunate thing, in my mind, is when people disregard or follow, just because of labels...Conservative, Liberal..etc...that is the real crime!


                      Think the real screw-ups are from "investors", those buying and selling of paper to reap profits. An actual stock to help business to get off of ground, start a new factory, IPO's, but the trading as a business has really screwed things up...people want to make money easy, and that is now being supported with QE, the Feds, etc. Was the reason interest rates went down...to help "equities"...poor retired buggers that didn't want to play games...


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