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\"Stop emitting greenhouse gases altogether...\"

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    \"Stop emitting greenhouse gases altogether...\"

    ..."IF the pact known as "the Paris agreement" is approved, countries would be committed to keeping the rise in global temperatures by the year 2100 compared with pre-industrial times "well below" 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) and "endeavor to limit" them even more, to 1.5 degrees Celsius. That was a key demand of poor countries ravaged by the effects of climate change and rising sea levels.

    Countries would also be committed to limiting the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by human activity to the same levels that trees, soil and oceans can absorb naturally, beginning at some point between 2050 and 2100. To achieve that goal, scientists say, the world will have to stop emitting greenhouse gases altogether in the next half-century."....

    The 200 countries... actually will pass this?

    ...""We've agreed to what we ought to be doing, but no one yet has agreed to go do it," said Dennis Clare, a negotiator for the Federated States of Micronesia. "It's a whole lot of pomp, given the circumstances."

    ...."It says wealthy nations should continue to provide financial support for poor nations to cope with climate change and encourages other countries to pitch in on a voluntary basis. That reflects Western attempts to expand the donor base to include advanced developing countries such as China.

    In what would be a victory for small island nations, the draft includes a section highlighting the losses they expect to incur from climate-related disasters that it's too late to adapt to. However, a footnote specifies that it "does not involve or provide any basis for any liability or compensation" — a key U.S. demand because it would let the Obama administration sign on to the deal without going through the Republican-led Senate.

    In fact, three experts on international climate law told The Associated Press that nothing in the draft would require Senate approval.

    Activists who say the agreement won't go far enough held protests across Paris on Saturday, calling attention to populations threatened by melting glaciers, rising seas and expanding deserts.

    "This puts the fossil fuel industry on the wrong side of history," said Kumi Naidoo of Greenpeace. "This deal alone won't dig us out of the hole we're in."...


      Kyoto had lofty goals that were "commitments" that no one met.


        Oil should get real cheap now!!!



          Perhaps Paris should 'stop emitting greenhouse gases altogether.'


            Climate gate in the works.
            I agree with Tom - solar activity is king.
            This climate gate is a joke - the real problem is water pollution that every single nation is avoiding like the plague . Good example in Motreal - dumps billions of litres of raw sewage into the river then off to Paris to worry about something that is a complete farce


              What else could our eventual aim be Tom? Fossil fuels are a finite resource and we can't expect to go on using this up at the rate we have been.
              As long as the sun shines, tides roll and the wind blows we can live. We absolutely have got to move to renewable resources or some other sustainable means of fuelling our world. Status quo with fossil fuels is not an option irregardless of the climate change debate.


                Look at Kumi Naidoo biography...hanging out with the world elite...take your own conclusions from there.


                  The move to renuable energy has been well under way for a long time. This is playing right into the big corporate minds. The average joe contributes almost zero to co2 yet we will be the ones paying dearly for it.
                  One could see this whole b/s starting with Al Gore. Blame the common person , create a circus so the biggest polluters on earth go unnoticed. (India - not a word about that sewage swamp)
                  Yup keep pumping raw sewage into the most basic food chain on earth - water , while the general public can't breath without getting taxed.
                  We farmers in western Canada are for the most part years and years ahead of the rest of the world with reduced tillage, precise fert placement, tier 4 emotions on over expensive equipment that we use 200 hrs per year. And then you hear that we need to do more ?
                  Funny - not a word about Eruopean farmers who spray up to 10 times a growing season.
                  We could spend every last dollar on earth and have zero effect on global temps. There is a lot of proof in sun cycles that we are moving into a cool state very soon .
                  In the mean time Antarctic ice sheets are growing.
                  Some of these wacko's actually believe the ice sheets are going to completely melt ... Yes they will fluctuate but 100% impossible to melt in 3 months of no sun in polar regions .


                    Thus saith the Lord: "We absolutely have got to move to renewable resources or some other sustainable means of fuelling our world. Status quo with fossil fuels is not an option irregardless of the climate change debate."

                    Very well, lead the way. Show by your example that you believe this.

                    Otherwise you are just another band-wagoner, chicken little who thrives on drama and fear-mongering.

                    Like all those who jetted over to Paris(in private jets, no less), producing more CO2 in a week than the average North American does in a year, when they could have accomplished as much by teleconference and Skype and saved the earth in the process!

                    Imagine how your customers would be positively impressed when you start delivering the goods with a horse and wagon! Chilled goods on ice blocks cut from the pond in January and stored in sawdust through the summer...

                    "I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who keep telling me it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis."

                    "Hypocrisy in the name of saving the planet is still hypocrisy."


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