What regulations and taxes are in place (or planned to be imposed) to make sure all forms of combustion and metabolism producing CO2 are going have to pay the required carbon tax penalties.
You see....absolutely anything using oxygen (or oxidizing agents) to reduce carbohydrates or carbon in any other form has an end product of quite probably producing that nasty and deleterious CO2 which some have determined will be managed through economic penalties.
Well this radical change of direction and self imposed control will only be adhered to by naive countries who may not realize that their zeal and reliance on technology (that doesn't currently exist in a sustainable or economically feasible form) will provide direction to the "poor house".
We are in effect charging for oxygen use; most commonly derived from air.
And while trying to save every last animal; whats the plan for uncontrolled human existence.
Maybe that's the territory of various religious beliefs.
Will a Donald Trump make a good president? Is the world in good hand or are we now making the serious decisions by "Facebook" consensus?
What will Western Canada look like in mid winter after the oil economy of the world has been "wound down" as is planned?
You see....absolutely anything using oxygen (or oxidizing agents) to reduce carbohydrates or carbon in any other form has an end product of quite probably producing that nasty and deleterious CO2 which some have determined will be managed through economic penalties.
Well this radical change of direction and self imposed control will only be adhered to by naive countries who may not realize that their zeal and reliance on technology (that doesn't currently exist in a sustainable or economically feasible form) will provide direction to the "poor house".
We are in effect charging for oxygen use; most commonly derived from air.
And while trying to save every last animal; whats the plan for uncontrolled human existence.
Maybe that's the territory of various religious beliefs.
Will a Donald Trump make a good president? Is the world in good hand or are we now making the serious decisions by "Facebook" consensus?
What will Western Canada look like in mid winter after the oil economy of the world has been "wound down" as is planned?