Charlie and Lee;
I see a DTN article on USA Farmland Real Estate prices....
In 1970, Farmland worth $200,000 was worth just under $900,000 in 1999.
THe estimated value of the 1999 land was just over $600,000, without government farm subsidies... close to 30% of farmland value is created by subsidies in the USA.
TO be globally competitive, the subsidies must continue, or else huge write down's must occur in the Farmland values...
In the WTO negotiations... I cannot see how all these factors will reconcile...
Canadian dairy / supply management quotas are in the same situation...
Western CDN "designated area" farmers have been mostly spared this problem... as CWB subsidy payments came out of our equity...
Canadian Farm land values must increase to more competitive to US Values... as the CWB is phased out...
How can this round of the WTO ever get resolved, and reduce subsidies, without unbelievable economic re-evaluation(depreciation) of property and displacement of tremendous numbers of farmers?
I see a DTN article on USA Farmland Real Estate prices....
In 1970, Farmland worth $200,000 was worth just under $900,000 in 1999.
THe estimated value of the 1999 land was just over $600,000, without government farm subsidies... close to 30% of farmland value is created by subsidies in the USA.
TO be globally competitive, the subsidies must continue, or else huge write down's must occur in the Farmland values...
In the WTO negotiations... I cannot see how all these factors will reconcile...
Canadian dairy / supply management quotas are in the same situation...
Western CDN "designated area" farmers have been mostly spared this problem... as CWB subsidy payments came out of our equity...
Canadian Farm land values must increase to more competitive to US Values... as the CWB is phased out...
How can this round of the WTO ever get resolved, and reduce subsidies, without unbelievable economic re-evaluation(depreciation) of property and displacement of tremendous numbers of farmers?