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Canadian Governments are naive

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    Canadian Governments are naive

    I find it interesting that one of the first bills passed after the Paris climate talks by the US government lifts the ban on the export of crude oil which has been in place for 40 years. This will allow the removal of the artificial ceiling on production and allow for more exploration and developement. If the U.S. believed what Obama said in Paris about reducing CO2 production why would they be passing laws which help to increase oil production.

    Of course Russia and Saudi Arabia aren't talking cuts in oil production either. Yet in Canada we can't get a single pipeline built to tide water and all our governments can do is talk about is shutting down industries and putting people out of work. I am all for nuclear and hydroelectric power but it can't be done overnight and why are our politicians volunteering Canadians to be the only ones that pay?

    But we're leading the way!
    That way we cant see them all laughing at us behind our back.
    And we're doing our part! That way we can be smug while we pull ourselves down to Europes standard of living and values on what is yet a raw commodity based economy.

    Pollution an waste were/are bad. But wealth distribution disguised as a command to the planet to stop warming at 1.5°?

    Now the transplants on here can go fetch their tin foil rope.
    Careful hamloc.


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