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re:last post ? cc used for farm purchases

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    re:last post ? cc used for farm purchases

    how many areas do not let you use your credit card for farm purchases to get points ?

    .......for seed and chem but not fert.


      Never had a problem using cc on fert purchases. This has helped retailers.

      [URL=https://www.firstdatacanada.ca/category-general-news/canada-banks-credit-card-companies-agree-reduced-transaction-fees-retailers/]cut fees[/URL]

      [URL=http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/visa-mastercard-agree-to-hold-interchange-fees-at-1-5-for-5-years-1.2822985]limit the amount they charge retailers to process transactions[/URL]

      Justine will probably over turn this too.


        No issues with Coop,Viterra, and Richardson's..They are just happy to take your money any way they can..


          richardson charges fee to use cc


            where at big lentil? they. don't here ?


              The independent I deal with adds 1.9% to the price for customers using credit cards. That is what they say they pay the cc companies. I don't use a credit card so this is good from my standpoint. For those of you dealing where they do you are probably paying a bit more to subsidize your neighbours who use credit cards plain and simple. Your paying for their holiday to a certain extant lol.


                all I ever see the only one around here that doesnt take credit cards doing is taking him and all his staff on a lot of free trips (hot trips , grey cups , etc,) . maybe your paying for that where you deal . dealer gettin the free trips instead of the f$&king guy that is actually spending the money . why should they bitch about credit cards , it's a cost of doing buisness. just like every other buisness


                  CPS won't take cc for fertilizer purchases anymore. Everywhere else still does


                    If you think... you can get something for nothing...well... you do know the rest of the story...


                      Have three coop (bulk fuel dealers), within thirty miles from us. Two you can leave you cc number with them no problem, and one claims it gets charged double rate if you manually enter a number. Whats up with that? I think there just trying to avoid cc. I do know rates they pay vary. Like everything else in this world, the higher sales volume the lower percent they get charged.


                        Tom, its called dyodd , we check our prices lots , and do indeed get the 2% back free . maybe you should do some price checking . farmers don't always have to be the one getting screwed. it's real simple , if the independent that doesn't take credit cards is more than te one that takes cards , well you know the rest of story?....


                          Wonder why so many want to use credit cards.
                          Think it is smart marketing by financial institutions and others who encourage their use.
                          Better to plan and manage cash flow so a business does not rely too much on short term credit.


                            always pre pay , have never paid 1 cent of interest . this falls year end purchases gave $5k same as cash or trips , whatever you want .and we're not big farmers . all it costs is $135 /yr to keep card. I don't see any independents that look like they have their backs against the wall , lol . can't understand why they'd bitch about card use


                              We use ours because if it is the same price we get a bit of cash back. You gotta watch though, if you get four percent on fuel, the place has to be registered for fuel. I know coop bulk is registered under ag, so it does not apply. Same as groceries, you buy if its at walmart, they are registered has a retail so no four percent there. However Sobeys, and COOP grocery stores do apply.


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