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Merry Christmas... and a Blast from the Past!

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    Merry Christmas... and a Blast from the Past!

    I am sharing our Christmas Eve slide show I made up for my Facebook, as I thought many of you would especially enjoy the old pictures from early last century of our farm community Leduc Alberta!

    How things have changed... it is truly hard to believe how farming and our urban/rural infrastructure was/vs/is built... when we drive around Edmonton and Calgary... the roads now are truly breath taking!

    Please enjoy the pictures! Merry Christmas 2015!

    <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid142.photobucket.co m%2Falbums%2Fr113%2Ftom4cwb%2FSalem%2520Manor%2520 Christmas%2520Eve%25202015_zpsyy3vrhr5.mp4&title=C hristmas%202015...%20a%20blast%20of%20the%20past%2 1">

    I see the pictures didn't show up on my 'Dumbphone' sorry about that!


      Other then horses to horsepower and steel wheels to rubber, its pretty surprising how little has changed in farming.

      Pictures show up fine. Thx Tom and Merry Christmas.


        I was excited when I saw your title Tom. My IPad must be kerflunked, I can't get the slideshow.


          It comes through on the desktop, what's a desk top, right?


            I may have a better format of the slide show here... that worked on my 'Smartphone' this time... downloaded from my Windows laptop...

            Good practice for variable rate seeding and section control on seeder!!!


              Used "embed story''sharing" link... with blue checkmark only on the one downloaded file [you want on the link] on Photobucket, copied that... then pasted it to Agriville. I try out things in practice forum to see what works. Cheers!


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