From 1994 to fiscal year end 2008 Alberta posted 14 consecutive surpluses with west Texus crude averaging 43 usd Then from 2008 to present Alberta had deficits in all years but one with west Texas averaging 88 usd. From 2004 to present government spending has increased by 104%, during that same time frame population growth and inflation combined increased 56% and total economic output only grew 72%. So the short answer to your question is the government spent to much money.
Now I have no doubt left of center will yell the royalties were too low, that we gave away our resources. I think if higher royalties had resulted in more controlled developement pace resulting in a smaller influx of outside workers it would have reduced some financial pressures absolutely. Would it have eliminated deficits? I doubt it but I don't know. Until Albertan's pull their heads out of their asses and realize that they receive the majority of the benefits from government and that they should pay for them nothing will change. Unfortunately we need a sales tax or we need to drastically change our expectations of what we recieve.
One final thought, the NDP go on and on about diversification but Joe Cici has said until the price of oil recovers the budget can't balance, so nothing has really changed!!
Now I have no doubt left of center will yell the royalties were too low, that we gave away our resources. I think if higher royalties had resulted in more controlled developement pace resulting in a smaller influx of outside workers it would have reduced some financial pressures absolutely. Would it have eliminated deficits? I doubt it but I don't know. Until Albertan's pull their heads out of their asses and realize that they receive the majority of the benefits from government and that they should pay for them nothing will change. Unfortunately we need a sales tax or we need to drastically change our expectations of what we recieve.
One final thought, the NDP go on and on about diversification but Joe Cici has said until the price of oil recovers the budget can't balance, so nothing has really changed!!