Yes water runs down hill, just in many cases its with the help of a track hoe, that gets people choked..For every acre gained, there is one lost..
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No arguing there's been alot of extra run-off and rain lately, but when trenches were dug to drain pot holes that could have possibly even held a little more... the original amount of what the pot hole held plus the additional run off from excess snow and rain also goes "down hill".
I was on Google earth yesterday and looked at an area the next town east of here. OMG, most of the imagery around this area is dated 2007, I can tell by what crops were on my land. Now the next town over there is a water problem and they have updated the imagery of a little over a township to 2015... I know what the imagery looked like previous to the update...all I have to say is WOW.
Some people have the elevation to make water move, some people live in bathtubs with no drain. Others think dumping water into natural valleys and creeks doesn't matter. Whether it's a mile, ten miles, a hundred miles, a thousand miles away.... someone is getting it and may not want it. Its a long way to the ocean from the heart of the Prairies.
yes saskfarmer 3. Manitoba government has brain washed the province into saying all flood problems come from sask . No bloody way when mother nature dumps 2x or 3x the amount of rain on any area it has to run off. Our sucky NDP always like to blame somebody else for their perimeter vision. If the would spend time cleaning out old drains ,get rid of 95% of the beavers and stop hiring useless government officials to police bad policies. This province would not have the problems they have today. Every town along every river in Manitoba dumps their sewage into the rivers, that's ok but they blame the livestock producers for all of the problems of the Manitoba lakes. Oh yeh the other 5% of the beavers just relocate them to Winnipeg as they like them so much.
yes saskfarmer 3. Manitoba government has brain washed the province into saying all flood problems come from sask . No bloody way when mother nature dumps 2x or 3x the amount of rain on any area it has to run off. Our sucky NDP always like to blame somebody else for their perimeter vision. If the would spend time cleaning out old drains ,get rid of 95% of the beavers and stop hiring useless government officials to police bad policies. This province would not have the problems they have today. Every town along every river in Manitoba dumps their sewage into the rivers, that's ok but they blame the livestock producers for all of the problems of the Manitoba lakes. Oh yeh the other 5% of the beavers just relocate them to Winnipeg as they like them so much.
In 04, I bought some land that used to be owned by an uncle and farmed along side his two brothers in a loose arrangement (they helped each other farm their land...couldn't even call it a partnership). So I knew what the land was all about. Shortly after I bought it I was almost able to seed it corner to corner, knowing this won't happen very often, it has since been nicknamed , Land -o- Lakes. I lose 20 acres to sloughs riddled through out it, can't drive from one side to the other without going around a slough. We were able to reclaim large areas last fall but no guarantee it will seed them with the rest of the field. That probably isn't even bad compared to
some people's problems.
Moral...I knew what I was with it without making it someone else's problem.
Right now the rivers in Manitoba are low and this carryover water should be traveling down them now . Not being held back to compound the problem next spring. BBBBBut Winnipeg doesn't want any water flow this time of the year because the city folks want to use the river to skate on they say the flowing water thins the ice! if all this excess water was allowed to go down stream now nothing would be flooding and the problem would be solved. But then then there is our NDP and their bosses pledge to have the Forks water controlled year round for the city folks.
There is a pile of earth work and drainage happening north and west of here . Will be intrresting to see how it goes .
Saskcan , is there a big drainage project out your way ? Most of this water is being diverted into the North Sask river .
Profarmer hit the nail on the head.
Manitoba stock piles vast amounts of water for MB Hydro... causing the lakes to rise, blaming it on ag drainage.
Honestly, in our area we have C&D projects... they were dug by trackhoe in the 70s, but if they wouldn't have been done land here wouldn't be farmable... it would be 10 acres a quarter if you could swim to it.
Iowa, Illinois... most of the US corn belt drains water - that's part of agriculture, so instead of whining about it, build levees along the rivers, put houses on high ground, and manage it.
A full slough is a full slough... and when it lets go it'll wash out and you have a lot more water going than you think. We've seen it here before... well last spring. 17 feet of water went down hill, no help from a hoe, but a 17ft deep trench left behind, and no roads for 8 miles.
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