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Latest Liberal promise

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    Klause: It is an iceberg which floats in the ocean and has most of its mass underwater. A glacier is ice that covers land, or can occasionally extend out over water (tidewater glaciers.)
    The headwaters of all the major prairie rivers are partially fed by glacier melt in the Rockies. (Columbia icefields, Athabasca glacier etc)

    And that is very basic chemistry (re radiator cap. Yes, it keeps pressure in because of the relationship of temperature pressure and volume (Boyles law if it were a gas) However Boyles law does cannot apply to liquids unless volumes are kept constant. Therefore by containing coolant in a closed system such as the coolant system of an engine with a pressurized radiator cap we see that temperature rise results in a pressure rise.

    Stone picker, instead of just agreeing with someone because what they say agrees with your preconceived views and biasis, why don't you actually do some research and maybe you might learn something. I will make it easy for you. Google thermal expansion of the oceans!


      First off, according to those in support of climate change, if all use of fossil fuels stopped today the average temperature will still rise by .75*C, so in that context more warming is inevitable.

      Chuck2, would I want the oceans to rise and flood some coastal areas and islands, obviously not. I think if some temperature rise in inevitable money would be wisely invested in identifying the highest risk coastal areas and islands and relocating people or putting in some form of flood protection.

      As for Dml's belief that I am in favour of the earth warming and not interested in curbing pollution, I don't believe I have ever said that. What I am against is unjustified growth in government and growth in spending and taxation with no real benefit.


        Well then, let's just give the earth a big dose of radiation to rid it of the malignant metastasized tumor the human race has become to it.

        I will never argue that mankind hasn't has some affect on the planet we call home but to say we can out power Mother Nature, to me, is a bit of a stretch. She controls some very powerful forces.


          What I don't understand is how it can be expected that things aren't/can't/not supposed to change. There has been evolution since the beginning of time. Has human encroachment on other species habitats displaced or reduced their populations? You bet, but that also happens between other species as well. Now, have we, or do we have the power to influence something as complex and powerful as the weather/climate?


            The thread was titled " Latest Liberal Promise" and has switched to climate change.

            It was brought up in an earlier post by Mustardman about the dead zones with in the oceans and lakes of the world.

            The Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) on the Manitoba and Ontario borders was conducting studies on the causes of these "dead zones" which are very concerning to all of us. This world wide renowned research station lost all federal funding from Harper's Con/reform government in 2012. The total cost per year to run the ELA was $2 million. Peanuts for the work they were doing and the results that have come from the ELA on other issues.

            So weather the carbon tax coming is good or bad personally I don't know, but the majority of you who are against it, are the same people who supported Harper. He stopped funding to the ELA which was doing excellent work just to save $ 2 million a year and they were getting results. Was the ELA a waste of taxpayers money???


              Good for Harper for cancelling that $2 million waste. (I assume that's $2million per year)

              Instead of the drama teacher throwing $3billion at the UN climate boondoggle which will collect $100 billion per year from suckers we could of used that money to improve things that will actually effect us.
              Highways, railways, etc.


                Jesus Klause I never knew u were a scientist to. Just an average joe farmer einstein! Lol! I would agree will u on a lot of what u said.
                Forage u must love pissing away your hard earned money on stupid shit. Justin is just the man for u I guess. The refugees and indians are gonna be treated like kings with the sunshine and rainbows prince.


                  yes musterdman very nice long story and interested reading about Harper p-c
                  government !!!!
                  but remember he had two turns and left the country in peasfull good shape !!!!
                  Justin has just started working on his promise and try find the money???
                  will he last one turn??? and if he does musterdman you have many more pages for us on agriville and if he is getting second turn ???
                  if the morals of any country go like he is showing on pot smoking,same sex marriage,assisting suicide,his father put in the abortion law!!! everthing goes in the liberals!
                  where are we heading???
                  he is a nice and good looking young man!!! and me be getting ready as time goes on .harper was not bad looking!!!
                  so time will tell and lets try to get along and help him j-t and give him sound advice happy new-year to all [ excuse
                  my capslock and spelling ]


                    Ok maybe I shouldn't have called them glaciers.

                    The entire north pole ice floats on water. If it all melted it wouldn't rise the ocean level by much.

                    Oceana have been rising for a long time... Remember when there was a land bridge between NA and Asia?

                    Researching is great but you need a fudamental understanding of science to put things into perspective.


                      Oil could be abiotic it's a real theory,the sun could have a major impact that's a real theory and water can come from space that's a real theory and the fossil record does not support evelution and maybe they didn't make it to the moon just make sure you keep an open mind


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