FJ, I started in 1969. Tuition was under 500 and books cost about 400. I only had a bedroom for 50 bucks. There were 5 of us in a basement, shared a common kitchen and bathroom. Sometimes a little gross. But friendships blossomed and in fact the guy in the room next to me was my best man. We still stay in contact. By my 3rd year tuition had doubled and I finally had to get student loans. Fond memories but I wouldn't change a thing. BTW, I only had the Buick for a year - parts had Cadillac prices, even at the auto wreckers. Sold it for what I paid for it and then bought a 64 Chev Malibu SS with a 283. I had that car for years and my bride learned how to drive with it. Ah, those were the days!
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