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Is this remotely correct

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    Mustard is a wonderful example of a progressive... who thinks gov. can solve our problems...

    Mus... is right... cause we are the gov.... but Mustard thinks someone else is the gov... not us.

    There is a fine balance... between ingenious collaboration... and ignorant contagion.

    It is clear... that the insanity of these times... cannot be a good sign for our children and grandchildren!


      Tom and Tsipp
      There are 276 Militia groups in the US !

      All Heavily armed with weapons and lightly armed with BRAINS

      If you two want to start the local Killam chapter of the Sons of Anarchy , go ahead


        Mustard, your the perfect example of some of the things that are wrong with this country, too many like you are either afraid or afraid to speak the truth. You don't want to see the constant terrorist attacks around the world by muslims, instead of admitting that there is a problem and potential future problem with the muslim pop. you turn around and yell evil white militia terrorists! I don't see these guys blowing themselves and innocent bystanders up. The scary thing is that there are people like you in government.


          Heh you know me I am not afraid to speak my mind.
          Sure there are terrorist outside and inside the US

          It just seems that on this site these militia types are seen to be good guys WTF??
          Oh and You don't recall Timothy McVey?


            For sure there are bad white people out there. Once mcvie was found guilty they should've hung him on the spot! As far as the hammond, bundy situation, if you've read up on the story, you must see that they have good reason to be upset. I don't agree with what the bundys are doing but it appears they've been pushed to the limit and btw they aren't going around shooting people.Or do you feel the bundys or hammond have no just cause mustard?


              Pretty sure if they were Muslim or Black
              They'd be called Terrorists or at least thugs

              But seeing how theyre good old white boys they're called Principaled and standing up for their rights


                Mandatory minimum sentences put in place by 'tough on crime' republican govts is the Reason ,the Bundys have such a long sentence.


                  I believe they are standing up for their rights, the hammonds went back to jail peacefully, they've distanced themselves from the bundy situation. When the u.s. gov. owns aprox. half the land in the western u.s., there is something seriously wrong!


                    Something is very wrong if the US government departments own 50% of land.
                    Time for smaller government, selling government land and trimming of a lot of unneeded employees in the BLM and FWS.

                    As mentioned, Mustard is an example of how a Liberal sees the world and figures more government intervention is the solution to all problems.


                      mustardman - careful now, or someone might accuse you of seeing things in black and white...


                        I wish we had a like button!


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