RD so your saying you voted PC so you could have socialist policies ??
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Question for Mustardman
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what i really remember is that i was working and living in bc in the oil patch . when grant gave his speech he told us we could come home now . i did and been here ever since .
Mustard, one lesson to be learned, government attempts to diversify the economy only result in debt accumulation and decades of repayment for the mistakes. Ontario is a good example, Alberta will be the next. For some reason someone always thinks they are smarter than market forces, market forces always win. People who are elected to public office are our piers with no greater intelligence than the rest of us but for some reason we are willing to let them waste billions of our dollars, it really is insane.
Hamloc don't forget the biggest subsidized industry in Canada and the world for that matter is
The Oil industry
490 billion worldwide
Why not Cut their subsidies and put that towards more sustainable sources??
Mustard, the majority of this subsidy is made up of uncollected taxes which at present don't exist such as carbon taxes and is really a theoretical number not an actual monetary subsidy to the production of oil. It is a number that enviro's love to throw around to justify the real money governments will have to come up with to make other forms of energy competitive. I am not against low carbon energy production, I simply believe the technology isn't as affordable, again this has been proven in Ontario as an example.
Caseih. Well if you were born in a barn and have Never seen a doctor in your life ,then Allan Blakeney did nothing for you.
BUT if you have ever been to a Dr. and used public healthcare then say thanks to allan as he was Minister of Health when it came in.
Oh and as premier he had a Balanced budget every year and a sizeable heritage fund
We have more roads than any other province in Canada . Our roads if this what your inferring ,were good .
That is until the Feds ended the crow rate and then with rail being tore up and elevators centralizing
Of course roads need to be rebuilt at the same time as we are Bankrupt ( after Grant)
I found it funny that people blamed the NDP for the roads when the Libs,and Conservatives ended grain transportation by rail.
Re: Grain on the roads instead of the rails.
Interesting to see how much gravel is trucked into the city east of Regina. There are some good pits east of the city.... I bet there are more tonnes of gravel shipped west to Regina down this highway than there is grain down that same stretch. So, the damage on this 50-60 km stretch can't all be blamed on grain. But they've willing to do what ever it takes to build the city.
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