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Notley just hired another union boss to be chief of staff for the ag minister. Oleary was absolutely right in that she is 1000 ft underwater and not a clue what to do about it. I will be very surprised if she makes it through 4 years. I think within 18 months there will be enough support to call for a new election. It's getting really bad in Alberta.
wow....you guys are still unbelievable...still sour g****s....
The mood here, other than
Con cry babies, is actually fairly upbeat....but how could you see that thru the tears.....
When people follow money makers, instead of what is right, we are all in trouble! Oh, wait......
Kevin O'Leary you made my day! The present elected government brain trust be it Notley or Trudeau or Wynne haven't got a f#*king clue on how to build a successful business environment and he made a lot of good points. In 3 years we have lost well over 40% of our buying power and all they can do is piss away money and increase taxes, I feel bad for those so blinded by ideology that they can't see this. End of rant, have a good day.
Yes, Bucket.... Had we done what was right instead of giving it to the likes of Oleary, we would be in much better shape.
Seems some would like everything shut down, keep giving the corporate handouts and all would be good. The dollar will miraculously go up, oil would undoubtedly triple and all would be wonderful.... Maybe should try some of that cool aid.
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