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    Albertans Somehow think Everything is peachy in Sask with Wall at the Helm.
    It's No different here , No money left in coffers after near record resource prices.

    I think I'll try renting the neighbours land using our resource royalty model.
    The potash model 95 per cent for me and 5 per cent for the owner !!
    Or maybe he'd go for the Oil model - NO RENT for the first 3 years YAHOO !

    Oh did I mention the province has no money after the boom, I wonder why??


      Originally posted by vvalk View Post
      I think within 18 months there will be enough support to call for a new election. It's getting really bad in Alberta.
      You don't understand how the system works vvalk - who will be calling for a new election? the PCs? the electorate? sorry doesn't work that way. This is the Government the people elected and it isn't going anywhere till their term is up.

      Originally posted by vvalk View Post
      Since she has come into power how many tax increases has there been? The working family if they have a job left has never been taxed more under the NDP government
      Yes, shocking eh? not quite up to the levels of the Klein administration though.


        No its still better in Alberta. HArd to watch right now though


          First a disclaimer I am not or was I a supporter of the Alberta PC party for the last 9 years.

          The Alberta government is constantly accused of not charging high enough royalties on oil which put us in the poor financial shape we are today. So let us compare the royalty charged on a barrel of oil on an average 33 bbl producing Alberta oil well with 3 other jurisdictions in April 2014. Alberta would have charged a royalty of 32 percent. Saskatchewan would have charged a royalty of 18 percent. North Dakota a royalty of 24 percent. Last but not least Texas would have charged a royalty of 25%. It appears Alberta was not the lowest.

          Since 2010 the price of natural gas has been quite low compared to the 2005 to 2009 period. This has lowered royalty returns on natural gas by roughly 4 billion dollars per year from 2010 onward. Alberta biggest problem then is the same today, too much spending without a reasonable plan for having enough revenue to balance the books. Instead of implementing a sales tax we have a long list of user fees and sin taxes that each successive government including the NDP has pushed to ridiculous heights.

          Very few seem to support Kevin O'Leary's outlook but he is right on one thing a constant barrage of tax increases doesn't encourage business investment. Why is that increasing taxes on gas, diesel and natural gas is supposed to reduce it's use but increasing taxes on investment and business is supposed to increase investment and jobs?

          Interesting to note Premier Notley came out in support of The Trans-Mountain pipeline expansion today. Up until now the NDP has had a rather fuzzy outlook on pipeline construction with very little coherent policy in this regard. I think she now she has realized it is tough to fund schools and hospitals without resource revenue.


            Partner of mine also has a restaurant...pays a much higher rent than he likes...I ask why.."because it's in the right spot for business" They will pay if there is money to be made!
            Much of the royalty rates were given back by schemes....high wages were one of the outcomes due to no royalty until profits...business tax was one of the lowest, when it didn't have to be...recent poll says Albertan's are good with the carbon plan, and the world is noticing ...Canadian Association of Oilwell Drillers applauded Notely's "thorough" review today...carbon tax had businesses on side. More favorable in less than a year than the previous gov had in ten years....but a shitty time for her to take over, and for all those that still can't except it, she didn't cause it.
            Not an ND supporter, but liking what I see....but there are still hurtles.


              I was also amused to read that the BC provincial government submitted a 140 page document against the Trans Mountain pipeline to the NEB, Premier Notley submitted a 6 page document in favour of the same pipeline to the NEB. Who do you think is more serious?


                You mean if I write longer emails to my MP or mla they will they think I am more serious?

                A longer post has more seriousness to it?

                Does that explain Tom's long posts?


                  This reminds me of the cancer debate. Dozens of things cause the same thing and nobody asks the question why?

                  Government spending is out of control period


                    What a time to govern Alberta. Even a saint couldn't navigate those waters this term but I wouldn't think taxing your way into economic recovery is the answer. It flies in the face of Keynesian theory but it's a strange world we live in.


                      It's amazing that it's the ndp fault.

                      Does no one think prentice and harper threw the election because they knew what a ****ing mess was coming?


                        He sounds like a Donald Trump wanna be


                          Yes I do bucket. The conspiracy theorist in me says, yes. Why would Harper align himself the the likes of the "Fords" and their lifestyle reputation. I've said it more than once, Harper couldn't even bring himself to utter their names and he looked as comfortable as a husband who just got caught in bed with his wife's best friend...

                          How can people be so dense as to blame a newly minted government for the past years management and the countries economic performance. It's like saying you're a shitty farm manager if markets fall, there may have been a couple of things you could do to prepare for the tsunami but the tsunami is still coming and you will not hold it back. I am not taking any sides here, It just happens to be Alberta's and Canada's last governments were right wing and now left wing, it would be no different if it were reversed.

                          Move on with the blame game already....


                            Regardless of how much you make , when you spend $1.5 for every $1 you make - you are eventually screwed. That goes from personally to business , farms , and government . It's about that simple.
                            No one is afraid of debt anymore . Well 95% of people anyway


                              Furrow x 100!
                              Its all about getting stuff.


                                O'Leary talking about running for PC leadership.


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