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Dr. Patrick Moore in Edmonton[old Edm Inn at Muni]

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    Dr. Patrick Moore in Edmonton[old Edm Inn at Muni]

    Dr. Patrick Moore is at the Ramada Inn... [The old Muni Airport [Edm Inn]] at 7pm... for anyone who needs a charge on the Enviro Climate Change saga... should be an interesting evening!


    Is that the Roundup guzzler?


      he is the former president of greenpeace , helped start it . broke away because he couldn't take anymore bs being peddled by greenpeace . a very good speaker and a very smart man . wished i lived closer .he is telling it like it is !


        Bring him a shot of glyphosate so he can show you how it is. Just a little bit, you dont have to get dramatic about it.


          Buy yourselves a round (up) from me TOM.


            Just grab a glass of tap water you can have everything from roundup to contraceptives to a shot of antibiotics. All in one and it's free!!!


              Wish I was closer to Edmonton. I will watch for him in Regina or Winnipeg.


                He did not publicly state that tap water is safe. He did publicly state that Glyphosate is safe to drink and not dangerous to humans . Then he refused to drink glyphosate and called the interviewer a complete jerk.

                Really, he should drink some glyphosate Just to prove what he says. Then it is the end of the story. Simple as that.


                  Moore begins to try and change subject, the interviewer says " thats a good way to solve things" then Moore calls him a complete jerk!
                  Thats so funny.

                  So Moore wants credibility, all he has to do is drink glyphosate, for the record. Where is the harm in that? He says it is safe. What else is he saying ?






                        well piss is supposed to be safe to drink.
                        but i do not think some one should have to drink it to prove that point.

                        as far as his turnaround.
                        well either , he is a moron who did not do his research, in the first place.
                        or he just needs a lot of attention to jump from one bandwagon to another.

                        either way , it is a good right wing story.
                        like he finally found god , and now is worthy of praise.


                          Dr. Patrick Moore gave a riveting and wonderful presentation on how Carbon... and C02 cycles... are basically responsible for maintaining all life on earth as it exists.

                          Through the cycles of uncountable years, how the atmospheric c02 geologically more 'recently' [through the past 150m years] cycled between 4000ppm and 180ppm...

                          At about 150ppm how the plants start to die [photosynthesis slows drastically] and life [as we know it] ends on planet earth.
                          We were at about 200ppm atmoshperic c02 [during 1700's at the bottom of the last temperature cycle] ... and because of human release through carbon fuels... our activity has replenished the atmosphere back to about 400ppm.

                          As ocean water temperatures rise... the ocean releases c02 into the atmosphere; recycling c02 back into our air.

                          Crustaceans/corals in the oceans are always sequestering massive amounts of c02... when they die... this carbon is buried in and on the ocean floors... and is taken out of the carbon cycle. Ocean waters hold many times what the atmosphere holds [usually/ave temps about 34 times] as ocean temperatures cause cycling c02.
                          At 4C... ocean water is the most dense... and holds the most c02. This dense c02 laden water... sinks to the bottom... flows down to the deeper parts of the ocean... and then cycles... coming back up creating rich feeding areas for fish... and the other marine life... corals etc...

                          At 7.7ph this high c02 ocean water [usually over 8.5 when low c02] is called 'toxic acidification' by the Climate change 'experts'[who are in reality the 'life denial experts']... when truthfully c02 is in reality the gift of life in our oceans and terrestrial land based life.
                          Dr. Moore has done a scientific paper on life's special gift... c02... and how humanity is saving and bettering the atmosphere on our planet [for carbon based life forms] by releasing the fossil fuels containing rich sequestered c02 into the air that life needs to survive... and better prosper.

                          Summing up:
                          THE C02 CYCLE
                          "Statistical theory tells us that correlation doesn't prove causation" AL GORE just bought a beautiful ocean front property on the California coast... that would be flooded... if the c02 denial experts were actually correct.
                          Human based activity... releasing c02 back into the air; actually stopped the death of carbon based life on our planet...released c02 is bringing more vibrant and vigorous life to our planet...
                          how 800ppm to 1600ppm would encourage even more vigorous plant growth...
                          and that life forms would be much better for the increased c02 atmospheric content.

                          I love the statement that was quoted in the recent DTN CDN$ article:"Statistical theory tells us that correlation doesn't prove causation" C02 increases in our atmosphere... come AFTER the earth warms... as much as the sunset comes each evening... and results in night on planet earth!

                          'Liberal' Media and the carbon c02 life denial experts... do not want the views of Dr. Patric Moore to be circulated... and refuse to publish/publicize his opeds in newspapers etc.

                          Dr Patrick Moore's recent book for those who are interested:
                          'Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout: The Making of a Sensible Environmentalist' Paperback – Jan 2014
                          by Patrick Albert Moore (Author)
                          4.2 out of 5 stars 16 customer reviews


                          More to come... a new book being published... and new scientific papers created.

                          The Miracle of Life... is much stranger than fiction...


                            Ive read his book. Makes a lot of sense. Fact is the enviro groups changed over the decades to anti corporation fanatic groups.
                            Drinking a glass of glyphosate would be like drinking a mug of dishsoap. Poison is always in the dose. 100 xrays a day? A bowl of apple seeds?
                            Not sure why the debate always turns silly. Antis just dont like scientific common sense rebuttal from qualified source. Anything capitalistic is evil.


                              I''ll go head to head with any greenie, me with a big glass of Roundup mixed to the concentration I apply, them with the same sized glass of the salt and vinegar mix they all push as a "non-toxic alternative". No takers?


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