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Alberta Farmers offended by CWB...

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    TOM4CWB, You know, I find that the whinning and sniveling on this site is somewhat addictive, at least during cold weather. Have you ever lived anywhere, other that AB or taken a vacation, read newspapers and watched others going to work? There are problems everywhere that do not relate to the CWB. It's called seeing the big picture. People are starving in many places on this planet. What will the open market do, to help them? Gov't sponsored foreign aid programs sending Canadian food abroad will help won't it? Your man Manley has suggested more of this will be forthcoming in the near future. This is good news for the farm. Will the CWB assist in this commitment? Would such assistance be a good thing, or should the poor be paying the world price? What is their alternative, starving in the cold and dark? That reminds me, I've got to check and see if we can pay our Alta G-s
    & Ep--r bills this month! Farmers by and large are good people who accept our social responsibility, we are not mafia, cold hearted types who think only of ourselves and the bottom line. Besides the sell it or smell it principle puts us in the position of price takers not price makers.


      "This is good news for the farm" is a typical conclusion I would expect would come from socialist reasoning, henbent.

      Look at real facts and dollars!

      15% of the world's population has an average per capita income of $21,000.00 henbent. You are part of this group.

      85% of the world's average income is $1000.00.

      You approve of Manley going to the world's money market to borrow money so that we can support this 85%. You do the math.

      We already owe so much we rarely pay down the principal, but you want to borrow more. What happens when interest rates go up and the cost of the loan grows? How can Manley pay? By taxing of course. More income tax, more land tax, more GST, more PST and then how does that affect the farmer?

      85% of the world is not our responsibility. We cannot afford this responsibility, henbent. Each of us owes over $60,000.00 in our national and provincial debts. When they are paid, we can look at playing the role of benevolent heroes.

      There is an old Swedish saying: Those who give until they beg should be knocked off their legs.



        Henbent: You know it is interesting how far a part you and I are on politics, economics and the creations of wealth.

        You look to socialistic economics and policy. Socialist look to govenment to solve their problems. God didn't draw the line between Sask. & Alta. to very different ways of government did that. Guess where the population is migrating to. People of ambition move to areas of political freedom because opportunities are limited only to ones imagation and governments play a very small role in the over all picture. Free markets encourage people to become inventive and more productive thus the creation of wealth. (Ex. if nat. gas becomes to expense you find ways of conserving or bring new technology to the for front.) Most new technology was made possible through necessity not government rebates and subsidies.

        Most foreign aid should be done in such a manner as to create commerce not welfare. But first the government of most of these countries should be removed and replaced by one that encourages and gives people the freedom to accept the responsible of their own good being. If the political atmosphere is for free enterprise, oppertunities will abound.

        Don't place everyone in the position of no choices because of government and a public of socialistic thinkers.


          kernel, No choices, what do you mean, in democratic nations we go to the polls and vote for those who represent us and our ideas, they inturn legislate the laws and make policy that we and our country abide by. I do not want big business making up law as they go along, nor do I want them restricting my freedom to have choices. Hence I do not consider Monsan-o to be one of my best friends, although at times I've used their products. What do you think all the protests and disruptions have been about the G Summits? Others obviously feel this way too!! I'm no Pinko, but on the other hand I'm not going to sell my soul to the multi-national business interests that promise us the sky and deliver a heck of a lot less. Nettie Weibe, Ralph Gooddale and Art Macklin are examples of persons who have been/are in elected office and are representing us responsibly as we expect and elect them to do. Cyberspace B.-. is just that, B.-. although after the fact solutions are always perfect. How can desperately poor people pay for the food we produce? Answer that and maybe I'll vote for you to represent me in the future kernel!


            Kernel/parsley and sundry, you know all things seem possible when your blessed with, wealth,and good health. Economics in Alberta seem to reflect this. However I can remember not very long ago oil was $8.00 per barrel the finance minister was having sleepless nights and squeezing the s--t out of education and health, in a effort to balance a very shaky budget. Now because oil dodged a bullet he looked like a genius and was to fire up the printing presses again. I hope you understand that the power of financial inflow can be more significant than the net affect of wealth creation. If ever people stop chasing the mirage and turn their eyes, it ceases to exist. Now I understand Albertas power and economic prowess, but don't over leverage it. If Agriculture ever had to pay for it's real burden enviromentally and economically it may not be able to convince an electorate that it was worth the trouble. There is a reason so many cattle people are moving into Saskatchewan, they know the measure of burden will be assesed and they won't afford the bill. Even Bill Gates knew enough to take money off the table at the height of a bubble. It's called cashing out for a reason. To argue about a right minded government creating more commerce is true. In Vietnam as a closed economy they were just poor rural communists. As the country has opened up for more business, they have brought in a highly developed drug and prostitution commercial entity that befits a capitalist system. As people crowd the cities they learn the value of free enterprise. Noise isn't always progress. Sometimes it's just noise! And as far as the parallel you make between the CWB and a marriage all I can say is NAG! NAG! NAG! Boone



              Interesting how you totally avoided the question about the CWB... 1993-5 Manitoba fusarium wheat... and why you... Goodale, Weibe and Macklin deserved part of the value of this grain...

              Meanwhile the CWB/CGC told these farmers to burn this wheat... cause it was not marketable!


                Henbent: If you vote for the right government they will give you choice. Choice in buying and choice is selling. But when government give you no choice (CWB) then I would sooner have choice of big business to deal with. Having the choice of Monsanto, Dow, Agricore, cargill, swp and others looks better than dealing with someone who has no financial concerns selling my product.

                As to foreign aid into countries with corrupt government maybe money should be placed directly into the hands of the people that will create commerce by buying and selling their own food and wares as time goes on.

                Boone: you are grasping at straws. The big picture is having the government that allows its people and businesses a political atmosphere that allows them to profit in commerial ventures that provide for economic greatness to happen. Alberta's wealth was not create just because we had oil but how we allowed business to develop it and profit from it. Economies are created mostly by private business and people given the freedom of choice of who you do business with.

                I was an establishment flunky for 10 years and believe me when I tell you the most of the protesters that show up at G- Summits are druged out hippies having a bad hair day drawing two to three welfare checks and taking directions from greenpeace. Most don't work for a living and just love socialistic ways of living and smoking pot.

                Free enterprise is the only choice for choice. If you like government control go to Iraq. But i hear even the human shields have left because that government was asking to much of them without choice.


                  kernel, You are one, Redneck Dude who has been confined to the farm to long. Get out for a while man and experience the world. Lighten up a bit, 2 - 3 welfare cheques, pot smoking, bad hair,and now you are about to take on Greenpeace! Wow, this is what a master marketer is made of, I am doomed! The CWB is doomed when guys like you are lined up against them.



                    The Kernels of the world are the guys who pave the way to provide the kind of world you want by forcing change at the CWB. He can see what is wrong it. After all, even YOU reveal what is wrong with the Board when you tell us:

                    "I do not want big business making up law as they go along, nor do I want them restricting my freedom to have choices."

                    The CWB claim they are big corporate business. They make up laws as they go along and they do their utmost to restrict freedom.

                    Now the rest is up to you to reason it out.



                      parsley, Pardon me, but this kernel does NOT speak for me! A narrow minded redneck dude, finding commies behind every bush, hugging dope smoking hippies that are collecting welfare. This guy is not progressive, he's a hillbilly screaming freedom for all, except anyone who thinks differently than him. I am beginning to think that you fellows who want the CWB trashed, in reality aren't the plow jockeys that you are pretending to be. Maybe instead you are COW GUYS trying to bushwack us, so that cheap barley (cow & pig food) continues to be a reality in Western Canada. What do you have to say about this theory?



                        Of course he doesn't speak for you! You can bet the Kernel speaks for himself. But he speaks for and represents what you WANT....such as nobody making up the law as they go along and nobody, as you so aptly state it, "restricting my freedom to have choices".

                        You say one thing, henbent (doesn't matter if the buyback is required in law, we can skip the law just as long as that will keep the single desk that I like) and then tell us you want another( We need to follow the law!).

                        It's not hard to see that you've been mouthing the CWB of saying one thing and doing another.



                          Hentbent: I'am not related to you so how could I be a Hillbilly. The truth real hurts doesn't it Henbent to finally realize that the government and the CWB has been playing you for a fool all this time. Don't feel bad they fooled us all for sometime and it hurt us to when we found out the truth.

                          History reveals that when the CWB gave up marketing a grain the economics in that area improved dramaticly over a period of time. This freedom encouraged value added, ex. the feed lot business in Southern Alberta exploded because feed barley was removed from the CWB in the early 70's and when railway regulations were reduced by illimimating the crow rate all livestock feeding migated from Eastern Canada to the West. Oats were drop from the board now we have a oat value added industry in western Can.

                          Canola speaks for it self with the crushing industry we have and penlty of competition to buy our product through out the world.

                          Remove Wheat and malt barley from the CWB and value added will follow dramatically. That not a dream that is really. But it takes time for investment to turn an oppressive system around once it is let off the leash.

                          I maybe a redneck dude but it is the thought process that you have that causes my breath of fresh air evidence and reality to make scense.


                            TOM4CWB, parsley, kernel, You fellows like conspiracy theories. Here is the one that I see forming. Several COW GUYS get together, who live in Southern AB. They agree to set up a web site on the net to attempt to trash the CWB, by whatever means possible, grandstanding etc.. These fellows have the option of growing wheat and because they have big trucks, one day may be able to haul their grain to Uncle Sam who pays in greenbacks, yeah!! Meanwhile those poor souls up North, SK, & MB, now are no longer in a position to export their grain, without considerable effort and major expense. This means that these same COW GUYS now have access to unlimited access to lots & lots of cheap feed for their cows and pigs. This is a WIN WIN situation for the these COW GUYS!! Does this sound familiar boone? Value added or what????


                              Henbent: The farmers in Southern Albeta, Sask. And Man. grow a high quality wheat and malt barley on a very constitent year after year bases. They have a complaint that the premium that the CWB gets for their grain on the world market is lost in the pooling accounts before it gets to their farmgate. Now their tried of subsidising farmers in northern area who grow lower quailities of wheat and barley more often then not.

                              The CWB always says so even in their propaganda that they always receive a premium for durham wheat in the export market. If you read their public statement about premiums it says that 59 months out of 60 months they got a premium over american durham wheat on the american market. Nothing is mentioned about a premium in the HRS market. Quality is the reward and the farmer that grows it should get it. Land prices could just go up in Sask because of it.

                              USA only takes 10% of the crop, your crop has been exported all this time anyway. Where is it that your going to lose in an open market. Oh don't tell me I know you want other farmers to subsidize your climate problems and the fact that you want to grow wheat at someone else expense. I done have a great problem with charities, but I do reserve the right to choose who I give to.

                              Henbent I gather from your comments that you don't know what an Establishment Flunkie is? Oh your Cow Guy theory really sucks.

                              Henbent I know your just playing or that you work for the CWB and trying to hang on to your job with your no substance comments.


                                henbent, You should never put down to stealth and avarice that can be easily explained by buffoonery and naivety. You should all take a prozac and study this thing, more me thinks! boone


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