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Alberta Farmers offended by CWB...

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    parsley, Pardon me, but this kernel does NOT speak for me! A narrow minded redneck dude, finding commies behind every bush, hugging dope smoking hippies that are collecting welfare. This guy is not progressive, he's a hillbilly screaming freedom for all, except anyone who thinks differently than him. I am beginning to think that you fellows who want the CWB trashed, in reality aren't the plow jockeys that you are pretending to be. Maybe instead you are COW GUYS trying to bushwack us, so that cheap barley (cow & pig food) continues to be a reality in Western Canada. What do you have to say about this theory?



      Of course he doesn't speak for you! You can bet the Kernel speaks for himself. But he speaks for and represents what you WANT....such as nobody making up the law as they go along and nobody, as you so aptly state it, "restricting my freedom to have choices".

      You say one thing, henbent (doesn't matter if the buyback is required in law, we can skip the law just as long as that will keep the single desk that I like) and then tell us you want another( We need to follow the law!).

      It's not hard to see that you've been mouthing the CWB of saying one thing and doing another.



        Hentbent: I'am not related to you so how could I be a Hillbilly. The truth real hurts doesn't it Henbent to finally realize that the government and the CWB has been playing you for a fool all this time. Don't feel bad they fooled us all for sometime and it hurt us to when we found out the truth.

        History reveals that when the CWB gave up marketing a grain the economics in that area improved dramaticly over a period of time. This freedom encouraged value added, ex. the feed lot business in Southern Alberta exploded because feed barley was removed from the CWB in the early 70's and when railway regulations were reduced by illimimating the crow rate all livestock feeding migated from Eastern Canada to the West. Oats were drop from the board now we have a oat value added industry in western Can.

        Canola speaks for it self with the crushing industry we have and penlty of competition to buy our product through out the world.

        Remove Wheat and malt barley from the CWB and value added will follow dramatically. That not a dream that is really. But it takes time for investment to turn an oppressive system around once it is let off the leash.

        I maybe a redneck dude but it is the thought process that you have that causes my breath of fresh air evidence and reality to make scense.


          TOM4CWB, parsley, kernel, You fellows like conspiracy theories. Here is the one that I see forming. Several COW GUYS get together, who live in Southern AB. They agree to set up a web site on the net to attempt to trash the CWB, by whatever means possible, grandstanding etc.. These fellows have the option of growing wheat and because they have big trucks, one day may be able to haul their grain to Uncle Sam who pays in greenbacks, yeah!! Meanwhile those poor souls up North, SK, & MB, now are no longer in a position to export their grain, without considerable effort and major expense. This means that these same COW GUYS now have access to unlimited access to lots & lots of cheap feed for their cows and pigs. This is a WIN WIN situation for the these COW GUYS!! Does this sound familiar boone? Value added or what????


            Henbent: The farmers in Southern Albeta, Sask. And Man. grow a high quality wheat and malt barley on a very constitent year after year bases. They have a complaint that the premium that the CWB gets for their grain on the world market is lost in the pooling accounts before it gets to their farmgate. Now their tried of subsidising farmers in northern area who grow lower quailities of wheat and barley more often then not.

            The CWB always says so even in their propaganda that they always receive a premium for durham wheat in the export market. If you read their public statement about premiums it says that 59 months out of 60 months they got a premium over american durham wheat on the american market. Nothing is mentioned about a premium in the HRS market. Quality is the reward and the farmer that grows it should get it. Land prices could just go up in Sask because of it.

            USA only takes 10% of the crop, your crop has been exported all this time anyway. Where is it that your going to lose in an open market. Oh don't tell me I know you want other farmers to subsidize your climate problems and the fact that you want to grow wheat at someone else expense. I done have a great problem with charities, but I do reserve the right to choose who I give to.

            Henbent I gather from your comments that you don't know what an Establishment Flunkie is? Oh your Cow Guy theory really sucks.

            Henbent I know your just playing or that you work for the CWB and trying to hang on to your job with your no substance comments.


              henbent, You should never put down to stealth and avarice that can be easily explained by buffoonery and naivety. You should all take a prozac and study this thing, more me thinks! boone


                kernel, boone, Please don't restrict my right of free speech, it keeps me going during the long cold dark winter days and nights.
                So kernel, now location, location, and location enter the marketing system. Property values would rise if a free market were established. Have you morphed into a REAL ESTATE mogal overnight or what? You Southern guys are the best and Northerners are the worst, be careful here, Uncle Sam fought a civil war over that concept and the North won. You guys feed the world, and we feed your cows. Wow how simple it has become. Now even a simple minded flunkie me is seeing the light. But then again maybe it is you who is the flunkie. You are definitely not a detective, trying to figure out who I am, you are a defective, self center, wiseguy. A spin doctor at best. Well good luck pal I'm here to stay, grasshopper land isn't to my liking at this stage of flunkiness!!! Relax boone, I've dealt with these sorts of fellows a lot during my sordid past, although I don't have papers that tell me I'm not CRAZY!! They say such documents actually exist, apparently.



                  Once again you have avoided the CWB forced extraction (Buybacks) of your fellow farmer's hard earned... blood, sweat, and tears... his own grain that he grew... not what you grew and paid for...


                  " Henbent;

                  Interesting how you totally avoided the question about the CWB... 1993-5 Manitoba fusarium wheat... and why you... Goodale, Weibe and Macklin deserved part of the value of this grain...

                  Meanwhile the CWB/CGC told these farmers to burn this wheat... cause it was not marketable! "

                  The buy-back this morning was;;

                  For a #1CWRS 13.5, $259.92...

                  Since the PRO is at $270/t, our "CWB COrporation" is selling #1 wheat... that they won't sell CDN Millers... to the US at subsidised prices...

                  And you believe this is lawful, fair, and worth defending?

                  Meanwhile if I want a buyback on feed wheat... which the CWB says it cannot market... the CWB is extracting over a dollar a bushel... on wheat it does not and cannot market!

                  Let me get this straight...

                  You support the CWB for taking $.30/bu export subsidy out of the pooling account... to export.. to the US...#1CWRS 13.5... through the buy-back system...

                  While the CWB steals over $1.00/bu from the poor farmer who ended up with feed wheat...

                  Why would anyone put up with this totally stupid system, Henbent?

                  Can you see now why the USA just put on a Tariff?

                  The Cattle guys know the CWB is their best freind... so my only choice to logically believe... is that you yourself are a cattle guy...

                  Principal is what drives many cattle people to object to the CWB...

                  ANd not the principle of self interest... but the principle of standing up for the truth... even if it will hurt they themselves financially..

                  Henbent, you can check my farm yards... I have not 1 cow, calf or bull on my farm...

                  You can talk to my freinds and neighbours... I have no financial interest in any livestock operations... other than to board some urban folk's horses.

                  I have lost 100's of thousands of dollars through the CWB in the last 10 years... BECAUSE I AM A WHEAT AND BARLEY GROWER In the Designated Area.

                  I myself have done the CWB buy-back... from the Edmonton AB area... and made mega bucks from your pooling account... through the CWB buy-back system... but this is totally wrong!

                  Shall I be required to steal from your Pooling Account to sell my grain?

                  Now why wouldn't I want too see things change... if I will ever hope of having any of my sons continue my farm... that has been in Alberta since 1881?


                    TOM4CWB, Good to have you back in the discussion, thought maybe you'd given up and were no longer interested in my frivolus comments. Where the heck are CDN millers, getting their wheat from these days, if the CWB won't sell to them? Are they importing it from the US or Russia? I've spoken to a baker from England who makes biscuits for KitKat bars recently. He said they are forced to use EU wheat flour, poor quality. Canadian wheat makes the best biscuits, but is no LONGER ALLOWED in England, because of GMO. The open market canola guys really did us a favour there didn't they. RR cr-- is an example of how wrong things can go. Excluding us from the European market, what a stupid mistake!! A huge rich population that can't/won't buy North American crops or products.


                      Henbent: I know you are working for the CWB now. You don't answer any questions directly and you round off at the head on some fictious rant, quoting case law that has nothing to do with the lying in this case.. You assume lying is lawful as long as all your colleagues agree. What makes you so right when you and the CWB do not and will not answer questions that are of concern to its shareholders.


                        I happen to farm in South Sask. Probably in the worse part for freight to either port. I am a cow guy because I have land that is only made for a cow to walk across, yet between the ravines and hills there is some productive land. no, you north guys do not feed my cows.
                        The difference is I'm tired of you north guys picking my pocket. Our climate dictates how much we can grow ie. 30 bu/ac. wheat vs. 50 to 60bu/ac wheat up north. Difference is my wheat normally is #1vs. your tough #3.
                        But when it gets thrown in that great CWB pool. Who wins you.
                        Not to mention the 40 bu canola and 50 bu peas you north guys can grow consistantly, and if you don't get are very upset.
                        That is why I look at the US 25 miles to the south and think there is a better way. Bye the way this spring I will forward you a bag of grasshoppers for you to enjoy,freight paid.


                          Not sure what your British baker is talking about, England remains a good buyer of Canadian wheat. In 2001/02 crop year, the UK imported 359,700 tonnes of wheat from Canada; in 2002/2003 year-to-date, at 168,900 tonnes, the UK is our third largest wheat customer after Japan and Mexico.

                          And if you think it's the EU that has a problem with our wheat (and not just the UK), take note that Canadian wheat purchases by western European countries totalled 934,400 tonnes last year - just less than that the year before.

                          Just thought you'd like to know.


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