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Good Varieties Deregistered and Checkoffs

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    Isn't midge tolerant wheat just a combination of two varieties where one acts as the midge host?

    Alot of guys seeded canola early and then reseeded at 2 pounds. Either the 2 pounds worked extremely well with later seeding or their crop wasn't frozen as bad as the rep told them.

    Not sure about purity thing considering triffid started at the flax breeder stage.

    Then there was the employee that got fired for refusing to put in the allowable dockage in the seed bag years ago.

    Purity and standards.... really does the industry know the meaning of those words?

    Every year I sign a declaration at every elevator and yet not one wants to know the varieties I grow. Seems stupid.

    Then there is the probing issue.... a teaspoon out of a Super b. Really?
    Last edited by bucket; Jan 24, 2016, 09:31.


      Its rather simple.

      If Variety A that you use to grow was available to use your self after its run on growing.
      Seed at 6 lbs and spray for flee beetles. Guess what their worried about. Yes you guessed it the old variety will yield within the same or higher than the new ones.

      Its all about the money. Nothing else.

      Total bull shit.


        I sort of thought that was what government was for....to regulate so the obvious bullshit doesn't happen.

        Sort of the same shit that all the growing forward 2 money goes toward.

        None of it is to help the farmer just the middleman between the farm and the end users.


          Seabass.... Yes

          10 years ago the organic farmers were voicing their objections to the control of the seed supply. I was thinking they were kooks and fear mongers to encourage their organic agenda.
          Here we are today, the seed companies expect a return on investment for developing seed varieties. They are presenting seed with only the best patented technology money can buy, so Canadian farmers can be competitive on the world market. So get your chequebooks out take another snort of the canola cocaine and keep planting. What else are you going to do?
          I went to the Crop Production Show, it was obvious, farmers need canola and lentils. That was all they talked about. A little bit of wheat for rotation. Dont forget about the contamination of weeds if you dont spray.
          Its not too difficult watching suppliers "work the room". They've got the farmers where they want them, its just a matter of how many inputs they will buy and his much grain they will shove at them after harvest.
          I am not saying it wrong, its just an observation.



            Then get caught by global ag risk solutions rep says they can cover all your extra passes and production risks for x amount of dollars. Privately... but the government can't put together a decent program to compete.

            Something isn't right with what I seen at crop production show.

            Or maybe it's my age and lack of enthusiasm when I see production strategies similar to 25 years ago being the new and best?


              The paranoia is pretty insane and so typical for Agriville. Don't struggle too much with the big words.



                i have to agree that I am still jaded with the industry side of conventional farming. I purposely tried to only state an observation without getting all "organicy" and discouraging. I am on the outside looking in. As stated before..... follow the money.


                  How is it a variety that received fairly recent registration into a certain class no longer qualifies. If it isn't suitable now, why was it then? Especially gluten strength. Isn't that Canadian HRS classes claim to fame...it's bread making quality? Mind you there's lots of different types of bread.


                    Re gluten strength, it's coming to light that rather than varieties, it's how Canada's grain handling, delivery and loading at port has changed since marketing freedom.

                    Used to be the CWB would have a ship (eg West Coast) berth at 2 or more terminals to take on the entire cargo. Grain in those terminals would have been gathered at many prairie delivery points. Given that a variety of wheat will have different characteristics (gluten strength, px) depending on where it was grown, cargoes used to represent more of an average of hrs.

                    Now, unit trains from a region make up a larger portion in the terminal, and less of an average across the prairies. So, gluten strength is less consistent.

                    What this says is the varieties don't need to be de registered and replaced because of gluten strength, that is indeed bs.


                      the reason 46a76 is getting the axe
                      is because it is about the only some what modern variety farmers have legal access too.

                      can i say told you so now.

                      or should i wait till every seed we grow
                      is under the control of the seed co.s

                      Toms assurance that you can grow it under contract , is so reassuring.
                      like the grain co.s that sell seed are going to give you a contract.
                      what a laugh.

                      with all toms talk about UPOV91
                      guaranteeing your right to use your own seed is a joke.
                      you have rights to nothing.

                      every seed you purchase , you sign away your rights.
                      Harper was working for the seed co.
                      not the public or farmer

                      all it would have taken from our govt. would have been a law that freed up all of, the off patent varieties, to public use after 21-25 years..
                      seems fair right.

                      most of you guys voted for this,
                      and to this day support the party that bent you over for the seed co.s pleasure.
                      lets hope at least they will buy you dinner first.


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