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Justin Wish List

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    Justin Wish List

    Since we have been left with some unjust laws and bad legislation, let's come up with a wish list to our new Prime Minister. We, as farmers have a role to play in this country, lets give the new government a chance to see how we are thinking. I am pretty sure Agrivillers will give some serious thought and positive input.

    make interest payments on these high priced houses in the city a write off for the young people


      A better speech writer, or more practice it's a wish list and I should talk but...

      For example:
      Instead of ah...ah...ah.... Ah...ah. Ahh
      Change it out or substitute

      Hope you know what I mean, I can't stand ah any longer. With Eh it so much more Canadian


        Choosing his words (wisely?) when they're unscripted...on the fly?


          There is no hope that JT will do anything but run Canada down. The trouble is that he believes many things to be true that are not including: Global warming, islam is a religion of peace, renewable energy etc. Once you are in this situation you can't do anything right.



            You mean that hyperventilating talking he does? Sounds stupid.

            But listen to lyle stewart sometime. Um.....um. ....


              I pitched an idea long ago to some farm group. .... wish I had my old emails.

              Any who. ... my idea was to use my rrsp to buy farmland like the homeowner thing.

              Instead if now you pay cpp deductions or make an investment in a investor group that is rrsp deductible that invests in farmland it's deductible and bidding yourself up on land indirectly.

              So why not figure out a way an individual could make a farmland purchase deductible? Like what cpp or investors do?


                You can't make interest deductible on personal homes. The low interest rate has caused too many people buying homes worth way over their real earning power.

                Imo, there should be tighter rules for financing, something similar to 20 years ago. If you are buying something tyou better have 25% or more in real cash to throw at it, not just an additional mgt or security on other assets to make it work. Some would then say "I will never be able to afford it then" - Long term, probably a good thing

                Making land purchases deductible?? That would mean getting rid of the capital gains deduction, imo. Farmers are famous for deferring piles of taxes the way it is, this would just compound the problem. For some, I would expect that on the sell off of the farm there isn't much left other than some land equity. If the land was taxable also, might be zero left.

                Maybe it wouldn't matter as with larger farms that have the majority of recent land purchases inside their company and therefore no capital gains entitlement.


                  where to start?
                  1 . off patent seeds , freely accessible.
                  and marketable. nullify terms of use agreements , which have interfered with that right.

                  2 national drug plan, which they are talking about.
                  just about every other national healthcare plan has one.
                  save a fortune in drug costs.
                  eg. Rostavastin 6-700$ year canada
                  newzealand 20$ yr.

                  3 . make grain co.s report sales volumes and values at ports .
                  add transparency to the pricing structure.

                  4. create an equatable system of grain stocks switching at ports ,
                  so vessels do not have to wait to be filled at one company's terminal.
                  plugging up the system.

                  all no brainier stuff.
                  just shows how bad it was.



                    Maybe you missed that million dollar expenditure on market transparency. .....pdqinfo.

                    I know have to stop. My sides are hurting from laughing so hard too.


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