Memory says Bayer had Liberty resistant canola and soybeans before Monsanto brought out RoundupReady, both GMO.
Also remember Sask Pool customer relations man running down Monsanto about same time, surprised at his hatred for Monsanto.
Even today, Monsanto comes in for more criticism than Bayer.
Wonder why.
About the same time we had a Pool field man who was Marxist-Leninist not the same person and fortunately farmers only put up with him for a month or so.
Also remember Sask Pool customer relations man running down Monsanto about same time, surprised at his hatred for Monsanto.
Even today, Monsanto comes in for more criticism than Bayer.
Wonder why.
About the same time we had a Pool field man who was Marxist-Leninist not the same person and fortunately farmers only put up with him for a month or so.