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Get your cheque book out justin

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    Get your cheque book out justin

    Because according to the canadian press, the natives in MB. alone need 2 Billion dollars to fix housing on the reservations. They're apparently living in squallor and moldy houses. Who are the MB. NDP gonna blame this one on? Natives are still living in wpg. hotels from the 2011 flood! Would 8 billion take care of the whole country's indigenous pop.?

    Building new homes wont help. Natives dont own the houses they live in and so typically dont take are of them. Have you ever rented a house without strick terms of upkeep, and checking up on them at least once a month? No amount of money will fix the housing or the social ills on reserves. The reserve sytem needs to go. Unfortunately the liberals will further entrench natives in these current programs by continuing to support this broken system.



      My fiscal year ended in Nov and just paid the taxes owing in addition to the instalments.....

      Just got done creating monthly tax instalment payments with online banking.....

      I'm not in a real good mood, I manage my farm to make money not to avoid paying taxes.... I just hate paying taxes that get used to support parasites(all races) on welfare, guaranteed income supplements, "disability", ad nauseam. .....


        I agree. But it's our duty and obligation to help the people who have been beaten down by the heavy handed tactics of the white man! The treaties say so! We owe them! ok ok enough of that bullshit.


          Natives don't care about their houses and abuse them to get sympathy from the bleeding hearts in the big cities like Toronto. Most do not want to work and act like a bunch of spoilt children when asked to do some work. There is a handful that do work but the main core is out for a easy ride. I had relatives killed in war and pushed out of their land overseas less than 80 years ago with no recourse to get anything back. It is time Canada as a whole country told the natives that things that happened 200 years ago should be left there. Stand up join the rest of the country and smarten up.


            This will bankrupt Canada. The waste I see here on First Nations is absurd, their houses are trashed within a few years. They live in squalor because they choose to, no amount of free money will change the outcome for 90%.


              ----- Forwarded Message -----
              From: Earl Pulver <earl@candcrentals.com>
              To: Lori Lewis <lorilewis1234@yahoo.ca>
              Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:25:36 AM
              Subject: Fw: The RCMP, not Harper, should be meeting with Chief Spence

              From: rod perchak
              Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 12:49 PM
              To: al standil ; ABE KLASSEN ; amanda perchak ; bev perchak ; bobcat_rod ; Bobrose Benedictson ; bouchard325 Angie ; Brian Ramsey ; chris bures ; DALE Henderson ; dcleslie@mts.net ; Dean & Heather Foote ; Diane Lysaichuk ; DON LEE ; earl@candcrentals.com ; G.gcolvin@xplornet.com ; Gabby Marrin ; garryb ; Hank Bunnik ; Heike Bures ; henderson_mathew@hotmail.com ; jack mclean ; Jack WILSON ; JIM YOUNG ; John McPake ; kdavey@wcgwave.ca ; K-dguy@shaw.ca ; Kunz Koreena ; Linda Klassen ; Linda Shukeir ; Margie Foote ; Mark Peekoff ; Murray Lapka ; never@mts.net ; Peter Welechenko ; Robin Bickerton ; Ryan Mclaughlin ; Ryan Perchak ; sandy bazin ; t.mcivor@shaw.ca ; Terry Fr.Brandon ; Tieny Kirchner ; wafoote@mts.net ; Warren Neufeld ; wendell lees
              Subject: FW: The RCMP, not Harper, should be meeting with Chief Spence

              Subject: The RCMP, not Harper, should be meeting with Chief Spence
              Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 10:14:16 -0600

              Subject: Fw: The RCMP, not Harper, should be meeting

              Why don't we hear more about this side of it???
              Audit nightmare: The RCMP, not Harper, should be meeting with Chief Spence
              The RCMP, not Harper, should be meeting with Chief Spence

              By Ezra Levant ,QMI Agency
              First posted: Monday, January 07, 2013 08:51 PM EST | Updated: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 04:54 AM EST
              A new audit of the Attawapiskat Indian reserve was released Monday. It was shocking.
              The accounting firm of Deloitte randomly chose 505 financial transactions, between April 1, 2005 and Nov. 30, 2011, to review. They found “81% of files did not have adequate supporting documents and over 60% had no documentation of the reason for payment.”
              A lot of that money was supposed to go to housing. Attawapiskat is the reserve where some houses have leaky roofs, poor insulation, broken plumbing and are generally unfit for habitation. But Deloitte wrote, “There is no evidence of due diligence in the use of public funds, including the use of funds for housing.”
              Deloitte can’t find where the money went. But maybe the long list of people on the band’s rich payroll might know, starting with Theresa Spence, the chief, or her boyfriend, Clayton Kennedy, who just happens to be the town’s financial manager. He bills the band $850 a day to manage their finances.
              In fact, there are 21 politicians on the band payroll. Plus plenty of full-time staff. But Deloitte didn’t find that reassuring: “Attawapiskat First Nation did not provide us with any job descriptions for individuals who are involved in the financial management of funding agreements.”
              The band doesn’t even produce annual budgets. High school football teams have budgets. The band council doesn’t keep regular minutes of their meetings, either. Ordinary band members can’t find out what their politicians are doing. (Spence, in a news release Monday, dismissed the audit’s release as “no more than a distraction from the true issue” and said it was an attempt to “discredit” her.)
              So what does this all look like, if you pour $100 million through such a system, as the federal government has done since 2005? Well, here are a few of the findings in Deloitte’s sample of 505 transactions.
              In September, 2011, at the height of the housing crisis, they spent $4,333 on breakfast supplies. No documentation. No contract, no invoice.
              In April of 2011, a “consultant” got paid $303,256. The identity of the consultant is not known. The documentation is incomplete.
              What kind of consultant did Attawapiskat need for $303,256 last year? In the middle of a housing crisis? Was it a roofing consultant? Someone to develop a roofing strategy? Is that why they didn’t have money to actually hire a roofer?
              There are many of these employment contracts — often six figures, always anonymous.
              Another common one is “other purchases.” One was for $87,150. Auditor’s note: “Occurrence questionable.” Was anything even bought? Who knows?
              Countless money was spent on legal fees. One payment was for $68,910 — lawyer unknown, no supporting documentation. Was it band business? Or maybe someone’s divorce?
              What about a real estate deal three years ago for
              $1.1 million? But it’s an Indian reserve. The band already owns all the land. And the vendor is anonymous. There was zero supporting documentation. Was this $1.1 million property deal even in Attawapiskat? Or was it in Florida?
              There are a flurry of these property purchases — all secret, no street address or even a general geographic location given.Eighty-one percent of the files the auditor checked are this way. Not 1% or 2%. This isn’t an error. It’s a way of life.
              If the people involved had Italian names and were from the Montreal construction industry, or French-Canadian names from Montreal ad agencies, instead of Indian “consultants” from Attawapiskat, there would be resignations and criminal charges flying.
              But it would be racist to ask tough questions of Chief Spence and her boyfriend. And, she’s so close to starving herself, it would be mean, too.
              Is Stephen Harper really going to meet with her on Friday? Shouldn’t the RCMP do so first?

              ----- End forwarded message -----


                Just think..... You could spend a week on the reserve and the rest of the year in Mexico or where ever

                The city of Thompson, Manitoba with 13,446 residents pay their mayor, deputy mayor and council members at total of $80,474.45 annually for taxable salaries and per diems (the mayor's annual indemnity is $29,745.45, council members are paid $9,915.15 per annum and the deputy mayor gets $11,068.40 per annum).

                Now, some comparisons -

                Brokenhead Ojibway Nation with a registered population of 1,918 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $415,357 in TAX-FREE salaries AND per diems plus$1,557,766 in tobacco and fuel tax rebates.

                Long Plains First Nation @ Portage La Prairie with a registered population of 813 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $539,918 in tax-free salaries and per diems.

                Little Grand Rapids First Nation with a registered population of 1,590 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $706,182 in tax-free salaries and per diems.

                Buffalo Point First Nation with a registered population of 126 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $300,000 in tax-free salaries and per diems.

                Shoal Lake No. 40 First Nation in Ontario with a registered on-reserve population of 293 people paid their FN chief and band council $267,799 in tax-free salaries never mind$58,930 in tax-free expenses.

                Mathias Colomb First Nation with a registered population of 3,192 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $601,726 in tax-free salaries and per diems.

                Samson Cree First Nation with a registered population of 8,059 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $2,149,998 in tax-free salaries and per diems ($266.78 per capita).

                Fort McKay First Nation with a registered population of 827 (It’s not a typo, it’s 827) paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $2,067,098 in tax-free salaries and per diems, never mind $151,428 in travel expenses ($2,499.51 per capita). Chief Jim Boucher was paid an annual tax-free salary of $644,441 tax-free ($53,703 per month), AND tax-free expenses of $35,359 ($2,947 per month), AND tax-free other renumeration $25,000 ($2,083 per month ) AND tax-free travel expenses of $60,157 ($5,013 per month) !!!!! Per month!!!

                Enoch Cree First Nation with a registered population of 2,469 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $1,159,707 in tax-free salaries and per diems never mind $84,030 in travel expenses ($503.74 per capita). Also, Enoch Cree First Nation are also paying their Board of Directors $1,511,457 in tax-free salaries and tax-free expenses.

                There is poverty, no water, poor housing, no health facilities. Why? Because the money can’t seem to get past the chief and council, can it!


                  Sent from my iPhone

                  Begin forwarded message:

                  From: "eseifert" <eseifert@mymts.net>
                  Date: 17 August, 2014 8:38:44 PM CDT
                  Subject: To all seniors and almost seniors

                  Seniors and almost seniors need to pay attention to the following;
                  Seniors outnumber the Indians so.....
                  Maybe the government could solve their grievances sooner, if seniors blocked the Trans-Canada Highway or the CN Rail line.
                  When the news asks the seniors what they want, they can answer straight, "same as the Indians have been getting all our working lives - dental, eye care, free transportation, prescription drugs, no taxes on gas, or income tax to pay.
                  A new ski-doo motorboat and four wheel drive pick-up, free housing and many other things that we don't even know about. (ie; money to play casinos, luxury vacations).
                  Seniors want the same as Attawapiskat band members received in 2011, $34 million for 1,500 band members, which works out to $23,000 each tax free, plus welfare ($450,000), income from the diamond mine ($51 million) and provincial awards (?), as well as a share of community awards (?). Remember.....this is all tax free, so is worth lots more.
                  Presently seniors receive $7,200 on which they have to pay taxes, while supporting:
                  Their kids
                  Native Indians,
                  Quebec residents,
                  Extravagant and corrupt Quebec politicians,
                  Extravagant politicians Federal, Provincial and Municipal
                  After working for 50 some years and still paying their own way.
                  There is something "very wrong" with this picture.
                  ???? "the Indians are the ones demonstrating" ?????

                  Wake up seniors and send this to everyone you know. The government needs to receive your personal letters (postage free) of complaint so they will pay genuine attention, and perhaps we all need to travel to the lawns of government, and set up our tents for a couple of weeks this summer to let them know we are serious.


                    ....I tried to keep my comment general.


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