So if the Chief and council members are getting paid so much, why are not the rest of the residents up in arms over them? Like there should be some major hurt people..or even worse for stealing all the money..
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Maybe the red man wasn't so stupid when the treaties were signed? Giving up their land in exchange for blankets and food for ever. White man can't make a living growing canola but red man still gets his welfare.
Does anybody wonder how it is that every law on the books is subject to revision to comply with the human rights charter EXCEPT the Indian act? Should be worthy of a charter challenge lol.
The natives were overwhelmed by a superior society long ago. They made the best deal they could at the time. It is time to move on. I dream of a day when every baby in Canada is born with equal rights.
Let me get this straight We should hate the indian because we are dumb enough to give them what we bargined for.
I would like to ask Ezra how much is sent to Isreal per yr( all countrys ) I bet they are as big a welfare case as our indians.
How much of our money we give the bands ends up in the pockets of our capaitalistic comrades?
I dont think all the blame should go to the indian. There is a saying if they are dumb enough to give ,I am smart enough to take it.
Totally our fault. But it's going to be a lot harder to get the cat back in the bag than it was to let it out.
Watched an interview with Darcy Bear from whitecap.
That should be the rule not the exception for first nations.
I could be wrong and know little of it but it seems they are working to make a better life on that reserve.
Maybe others have different opinions on that particular reserve.
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