Guys, guys, guys
Like S3 says its insurance. For those that have not caught on to the premium increase, most likely you have been talked into the higher coverage level...or so they say
Remember, they beat up on existing programs so bad, especially crop insurance and that "you don't have guaranteed $350 per acre when you grow your yield coverage and the price of grain drops"
What they don't tell you is guaranteed gross margin insurance of $100-250 per acre is only valid if you actuall incur the costs on the crop the formula is based on.
In other words, if you are budgetting for 175 in fert chem seed and insurance $250 over that but don't spend the $175 on the crop, you don't have $425 gross margin coverage.
It is very strange that sellers of this insurance are pushing so hard to get you involved with this.
Every other insurance I take is a very "gentle" conversation leaving it up to me.
Like others say, find me someone who have actually received funds from this. I think it is very few.
I will stick with crop insurance and AgriStability - They will always pay first, everytime!
Like S3 says its insurance. For those that have not caught on to the premium increase, most likely you have been talked into the higher coverage level...or so they say
Remember, they beat up on existing programs so bad, especially crop insurance and that "you don't have guaranteed $350 per acre when you grow your yield coverage and the price of grain drops"
What they don't tell you is guaranteed gross margin insurance of $100-250 per acre is only valid if you actuall incur the costs on the crop the formula is based on.
In other words, if you are budgetting for 175 in fert chem seed and insurance $250 over that but don't spend the $175 on the crop, you don't have $425 gross margin coverage.
It is very strange that sellers of this insurance are pushing so hard to get you involved with this.
Every other insurance I take is a very "gentle" conversation leaving it up to me.
Like others say, find me someone who have actually received funds from this. I think it is very few.
I will stick with crop insurance and AgriStability - They will always pay first, everytime!