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Businessmen made millions on Regina land that wound up in taxpayers' hands

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    Wall sat at the cabinet table and anyone that helped approve the deal by also putting up their hands should be held responsible.

    All they had to do is look at the expropriation file and see something was amiss.

    Boyd been paid well .

    If anyone can do math....its pretty obvious that the taxpayers paid Boyd's rent to Tappauf.


      I hope someone digs deeper.

      There is more to this than meets the eye.

      No one sues for reporting the facts.

      They want this in front of the courts to say " no comment" and to close any furthur investigation.


        2 businessman make 11 million on a 21 million dollar piece of land on an infrastructure project.

        Wtf will happen with the 300 million trudeau has dedicated to saskatchewan?


          Sorry no link but in the huffpost wall is backing Boyd and Boyd is talking legal action against the CBC

          Maybe wrong but those guys maybe just went all in on a losing hand.


            Boyd talking legal action - how can he not think that this was wrong; if this was all private money I could careless what a bunch or businessmen want to trade land for; but this was public money; your money; my money and these clowns come up with value of 103k per acre?


              You guys may want to look into the crown corp boards also

              Ice Out


                This neither here nor there but Bucket, I think a good part of why Harper got kicked was because Trudeau was smart enough to know that half the people in this country detest the fact that people are prosecuted for possession of a gentle herb. Duh!


                  Two points:

                  If you need to ask if you have a conflict of interest....then in all probability you do have one

                  And secondly...there is a tenant that says ...the perception that one has put themselves in a compromising position in regards to a "conflict" is equally as important to the future of democratic government.

                  I'm afraid that this is yet another instance of poor judgement of elected leadership; outright greed and squandering scarce resources ...for the benefit of those close to inside information.

                  Now why would anyone condone that by giving those same persons four more years?

                  THAT shows really bad moral judgement at a whole different level.

                  Maybe we get the government that we deserve????


                    There was likely some political posturing with this revelation but it doesn't make it any less sickening.

                    The new owners of the "windfall land" should have been subjected to the same rules as every other land owner who had to give up real estate for the by pass. Maybe the other land owners should take the government to court for "unfair treatment". Precedence was set albeit after the fact. It would be interesting to see when the acquisitions were made for the other land in relation to the "windfall land".

                    Some heads need to roll, big heads, before too long, if there is any face to be saved before April 4, if it isn't already too late. Hurry up Brad, time is of the essence. If "department heads" of a private/public corportion squandered money like that they would be escorted out of the building. ****ing


                      .......and no scapegoats or patsies falling on department head's and Minister's swords. Right, Mr. Wall?
                      Last edited by farmaholic; Feb 6, 2016, 21:16.


                        There is talk about other deals on lands around other towns etc now. This could get really wild.


                          What did the land owners get paid on the East side of Regina. I heard some numbers bandied about and there's probably a lot more to this story, if my information is correct. The cost of these bypasses is going to be gargantuan and still in the city, bad planning.


                            SDG, I think you're familiar with the lay of the land around here. If it was me, I would have continued with highway #1 along the "Old 16". I realize it wouldn't have gotten it "out of the City" along the southern edge of Regina but... I would have just made it straight east past the Siast Campus and kept going, then at some point when well past Emerald Park/White City curved up towards the #10 and created some sort of interchange with the #10. It probably would have saved making some.
                            overpasses. Would have needed overpasses to cross the 48 and 33 highway and an enhancement of what already exists at the #10. It would have required more new property but at least most of the new roadway would have been well out of the city and gotten alot of the traffic off that busy section of the #1 between the City and the junction of the #1 & 48.

                            But hey....I'm not an engineer or planner so lack the necessary skill and commonsense for stuff like this.


                              Hope this works

                              <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2NWy3fyYBaQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

                              Hmmm... it's linked on the old website but not this one....

                              Here, try this:

                              Last edited by farmaholic; Feb 7, 2016, 09:05.


                                Maybe this should have waited for mid election.

                                Seems not too many people are upset about this.


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