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Bye bye gold

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    Bye bye gold

    Nice knowing you at 1000

    Excuse me while I kiss the sky

    upside down guitar left handed ****ed on acid and what ever else



      I thought you were so hot on precious metals when I made this prediction about a year ago, you were quite beligerant if I remember correctly. I rode that bus in 1980, no different.


        A countries possession of gold does not reflect the health of its economy or of a nation's productivity.

        That is passe thinking and "Old Hat".


          Gold had a 40 dollar day to the upside. Essentially it means that the USD lost 4% percent of its purchasing power today. The rally in PM's is signaling inflation and loss of the USD safehaven status.


            Did everyone sell their physical gold on the last run up or watch it tumble to 1100?

            Have you all bought back in at 1200 for the run?


              Priced in Cad dollars wasnt much of downturn at all. Anyways the paper price is irrelevant you either have it or you don't. He with the gold makes the rules.


                More like 12 years ago on here. Same with land still got a problem with the free advice?

                Imagine what I know now but I know you can't

                It's not confirmed in the techs but it seems close,the no sell day is coming


                  End of the 8 week cycle.... it "feels" like it needs a couple more up days, to me, sitting on my hands in the bleachers, watching.


                    Negative interest rates... G7 members for the 'First' time they were saying this morning.

                    QE is needed instead some say... but if they raise the interest rates... the currency takes off up... and the economy tanks.

                    Like the old saying goes... 'sucking and blowing at the same time...'

                    Around and Around it goes... just like the cattle market... the currency values are on a volatile merry go round... there are so many massive hedge funds etc... that when an asset holder with half a trillion in who knows what currencies shift... the whole boat lurches to that side...

                    Good luck Cotton... predicting which way the big mammoths decide to fleece us!

                    I forgot... those who own the trillions of QE the central bankers just gave them... to stop the Depression... react in strange ways... to stop from sinking the ship!

                    Cheers ...Barclays, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank...the EU is in a really nasty one... Global warming and climate change... are melting central bankers brains... this weed has turned to cocaine[QE] which has turned to negative interest rates [Like Micheal Jackson on uppers/downers... and amnesia anti-depressant anti-sthetics and laughing gas!]

                    This could be quite a trip!!!

                    When the EU

                    down draft... starts sucking in the big US investment banks...

                    Watch Putin make his move... and throw another alternate Universe our way!!!


                      I met a lady yesterday, her brother works at a gold mine in Ontario. Her brother has worked at the mine for over 20 years, he's worried that the mine might shut down and he'll loose his job.


                        Im in how much paper does it ta
                        ke to buy a goldmine


                          wasn't it mark twain who said- A gold mine is a hole in the ground with a liar at the bottom. I think it was him.


                            "sitting on top",yes i believe it was him,and i never said buy the miners.


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